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Title: | 臺灣地區古文書的編排與描述之研究 The Study on Arrangement and Description of Ancient deeds in Taiwan |
Authors: | 郭紋秀 Kuo, Wen Hsiu |
Contributors: | 薛理桂 Hsueh, Li Kuei 郭紋秀 Kuo, Wen Hsiu |
Keywords: | 契約 古文書 編排 描述 deeds ancient deeds arrangement description |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-07-29 16:07:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 古文書是民間社會為證明某種約定自然產生而存在的文件,除了具有時代意義,更可反映舊時代社會生活與經濟發展的歷史現象,是重要的珍貴史料,具高度研究價值。為了要將檔案能夠精確地揭示其行政或保存歷史以及證據稽憑價值,並發揮其功能,提昇檔案資訊的有效利用,檔案典藏單位必須進行有系統的館藏整理,即透過編排與描述的程序。 本研究採用「個案研究法」、「深度訪談法」。以國內公部門單位中目前典藏古文書典藏數量與館藏管理方面較具規模者有國家圖書館、國立臺灣圖書館、臺灣大學圖書館、中央研究院臺灣史研究所檔案館、國史館臺灣文獻館與宜蘭縣史館為代表。藉由個案研究與深度訪談探究古文書典藏單位對於古文書檔案編排描述的現況,然後加以比較分析。 根據研究結果,對於國內古文書檔案典藏單位編排與描述實務,提出結論如下:一、編排實務現況:(一) 多數古文書典藏單位多能遵守尊重來源原則,(二)古文書典藏單位的編排原則多以時間順序為主;二、描述實務現況:(一)多數古文書典藏單位尚未完成古文書描述規則,(二)多數古文書典藏單位缺乏全宗、系列、案卷層級內容描述。 最後就前述研究結論,提出建議:一、擬定國內古文書檔案編排與描述作業指引,二、擬定國內古文書檔案描述欄位元素,三、建立國內古文書典藏單位共建共享的合作機制。 Abstract
Ancient deeds to prove some kind of civil society agreed to produce records exist naturally, in addition to the era, but also reflect the history of the old era phenomenon of social life and economic development. It is important precious historical, highly research value. To archives in order to accurately reveal it’s administrative or preservation of historical and protracted with the value of the evidence, and perform its functions, improve the effective use of archival information, archival repository must be a systematic collection order, namely through the arrangement and description of the process. This study used "case study", "in-depth interviews." Domestic public sector units in the current collection of ancient deeds and collections management, the number of sizable who have the National Central Library, the National Taiwan Library , National Taiwan University Library, Taiwan Historica, The Archives of Institute of Taiwan History, Institute of Yilan County History. With case studies and in-depth interviews to explore the status of the unit for the collection of ancient deeds of archives arrangement and description, and comparative analysis.
According to the results, the domestic ancient deeds repository arrangement and description of practice, made the following conclusions: First, the arrangement practice Status: 1) most ancient instrument collection units and more able to comply respected Principle of provenance, and 2) the ancient instrument collection unit arrangement the principle of multi-chronological order based. Second, description the status of practice: 1) most ancient instrument collection of ancient deeds describing the unit has not yet completed the rule, 2) the most ancient instrument collection units lack fonds, series, files hierarchical content description. Finally, based on the aforementioned conclusions, we suggest:1) to develop domestic arrangement and description of the ancient deeds archives of practice guide, 2) to develop domestic ancient deeds archives description field elements, 3) domestic ancient deeds repository building sharing mechanisms for cooperation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊與檔案學研究所 100155013 102 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100155013 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies] Theses
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