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    Title: 來源國,廣告訴求,文化價值觀:航空公司廣告在台灣的內容分析法研究
    Examining the Relationship between Country of Origin, Appeals, and Cultural Values in Advertising: A Content Analysis Study of Airline Ads in Taiwan
    Authors: 古楷婷
    Gulenok, Kateryna
    Contributors: 鄭怡卉
    Cheng, I-Huei
    Gulenok, Kateryna
    Keywords: 航空公司
    advertising appeals
    cultural values
    content analysis
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-07-21 15:43:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Abstract
    The current study is a content analysis of airlines’ printed ads, exploring an intersection of country-of-origin (COO), advertising appeals (rational and emotional), and cultural values (Eastern or Western). The study focuses on airlines advertising to understand the role of COO and its interaction with ad appeals and cultural values. The goal of the study is to explore the ways in which airlines or service businesses (selling intangible products) communicate with consumers about the values and meanings in their advertising, especially since the market for travel services is growing and the airline industry is facing drastic competition.
    The statistical analysis showed clear consistent patterns in the use of COO and other advertising appeals: the ads that used COO are more likely to use emotional appeals and express more Eastern values. Adding to our understanding about the branding of airlines, the findings are in line with the literature that claimed emphasis on emotional aspects for service advertisements. Implications for practitioners are also discussed.
    Key words: airlines, country-of-origin, services, advertising appeals, cultural values, content analysis
    The current study is a content analysis of airlines’ printed ads, exploring an intersection of country-of-origin (COO), advertising appeals (rational and emotional), and cultural values (Eastern or Western). The study focuses on airlines advertising to understand the role of COO and its interaction with ad appeals and cultural values. The goal of the study is to explore the ways in which airlines or service businesses (selling intangible products) communicate with consumers about the values and meanings in their advertising, especially since the market for travel services is growing and the airline industry is facing drastic competition.
    The statistical analysis showed clear consistent patterns in the use of COO and other advertising appeals: the ads that used COO are more likely to use emotional appeals and express more Eastern values. Adding to our understanding about the branding of airlines, the findings are in line with the literature that claimed emphasis on emotional aspects for service advertisements. Implications for practitioners are also discussed.
    Key words: airlines, country-of-origin, services, advertising appeals, cultural values, content analysis
    Reference: References
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