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    題名: 淘寶網負感受對於知覺風險與圖文評價內容參考之探討 -以服飾配件商品為例
    The Study of Negative Feelings of TAOBAO, Risk and the Product Feedback Mechanism -The Case of Clothes and Accessories
    作者: 王方妘
    Wang, Fang Yun
    貢獻者: 洪順慶
    Horng, Shun Ching
    Wang, Fang Yun
    關鍵詞: 知覺風險
    Product Feedback Mechanism
    On-line auction
    日期: 2013
    上傳時間: 2014-07-21 15:33:41 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 網際網路及電子商務的普及讓網路購物已經成為現代人生活的一部分,而近年來淘寶網在電子商務領域的創新使得淘寶網成為全球交易量最大的電子商務平台。但其實在跨國網購的過程中,是具有許多令消費者擔憂的風險,各種知覺風險也成為了跨國交易上的主要阻礙。根據研究者實際的網購流程,發現淘寶平台的商品評價機制對於消費者之知覺風險有其影響力,但在過去的文獻中,多以知覺風險與信任來探討對網路購物的影響,但其中較少談到關於評價機制與知覺風險之間的關聯性。本研究擬以對淘寶平台的信任感受、四個網購族群最在意的知覺風險構面以及淘寶上的商品評價機制為三大區塊,分別討論感受對於知覺風險的影響,以及知覺風險與評價機制之相關性後,歸納對於信任感受、知覺風險與商品評價機制之關聯。

    為了驗證本研究所提出之研究架構,以使用過淘寶的消費者為研究對象,並分成質化與量化兩階段進行。先透過質化深訪了解消費insight,再經由網路問卷蒐集樣本,並透過SPSS 模型進行回歸分析驗證假說,除了整體樣本分析,更進一步了解其行銷意涵。根據研究結果,本研究證實了對淘寶評價的負感受與知覺風險間的各個構面皆有顯著正相關,而知覺風險中的財務風險與商品評價資訊也存在顯著正相關。表示消費者在淘寶上失望的購物經驗將導致下次購物時,感受到更高的知覺風險,而知覺到越高的財務風險者,越會參考淘寶的口碑評價資訊。因此在實務管理上,本研究之結果提供了淘寶網業者日後在建置、改善其評價系統內容時的參考建議與改進方向,以及其他降低風險的配套方案與實行建議。

    The diffusion of Internet and E-commerce has become a part of the modern society. In recent years Taobao has been rewarded as the top E-commerce platform, which takes the highest total trade volume in the world due to its innovation in the field. However, in the process of cross-nations Online Trading, many Risks, which hold consumers back, certainly exist and hinder the cross-nations transaction from success. According to observations on the process of Online trading, researcher found the Product Feedback Mechanism has a certain impact on Risks. Nevertheless, in former researches, the Risk and Trust instead of the relevance between Product Feedback Mechanism and Risk are the main two factors focused on when discussing the impact on Online Trading.

    In the following research, the Trust in Taobao by consumers, four of the most concerned Risk by online shopping groups, and the Product Feedback Mechanism are the main three issues to be discussed about the impact of feeling on Risk and the relevance between Risk and Product Feedback Mechanism to find out the relevance between Trust, Risk and Product Feedback Mechanism. In order to test the conceptual framework, the research targets Taobao users and is executed by both Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research. Starting from the In-depth interviews to understand consumer insights, the research collects specimen from online questionnaires and tests the hypothesis through SPSS Regression analysis in order to understand more of Taobao’s marketing strategies.

    Based on result of the research, the relevance of negative feedback on Taobao and Risk is proved significant. Besides, the relevance of Financial Risk and Feedback Mechanism is proved as the same result, representing higher Risk and Financial Risk caused by the negative experience on Taobao could lead consumers to refer to evaluation information on Taobao more.In aspect of practical Management, the result of research provides several suggestions and a guideline for Taobao in regard to the establishment and improvement on its Product Feedback Mechanism, and also offers other plans of substitute and executive suggestions for risk reduction.

    Keywords: Risk, Trust, Product Feedback Mechanism, Word-Of-Mouth, Taobao, On-line auction.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101355038
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