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    Title: 現代教育人類圖像變遷之研究
    A study about the change of modern educational human picture
    Authors: 李孟儒
    Lee, Meng Ju
    Contributors: 馮朝霖
    Lee, Meng Ju
    Keywords: 人類圖像
    problem-posing education
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-07-07 14:05:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究嘗試從現代民主政治與教育兩百多年的發展歷程中,考察三種不同類型的教育命題或觀點,分別是:涂爾幹的「教育是一種社會化的過程」、弗雷勒的「教育即是自由的實踐」,以及傅柯的「關懷自身的倫理作為自由的實踐」。三種政治─教育立場分別著重於不同的人類圖像:教師、學生、知識分子。為考察上述三種不同類型的命題,從「社會環境與人類圖像」這樣的視角,我們將命題置於具代表性的政治社會化時代脈絡中,亦即:「民主社會─道德人」、「解放社會─人性化」與「規訓社會─生存美學」,在各自不同且具代表性的現代教育類型(道德教育、提問式教育、關懷自身的倫理作為自由的實踐)中進行研究。


    This research attempts to investigate three different forms of educatinal propostions or pespectives from the process of developing modern democracy and education over the 200-year period. It contains by examining the Emile Durkheim’s notion of “education is a process of socialization”, the notion of “education as the practice of liberty” which had its roots in Paulo Freire, as well as notion of “the ethics of the concern for self as a practice of freedom” which drew directly from Michael Foucault. From the political-education standpoint of view, they concentrated on particular human picture, including teacher, students and intellectuals. To explore the content of three educatinal propostions, I will put these into the context of typical politicization of society: democracy- moral people which means moral education, empancipating society- humanity which stands for posing education, and disciplinary society- aesthetics of existence which is supported by the idea of the ethics of take care of self as the practice of freedom.

    In essense, three educational forms of this research are implemented in sequence which is linked to the dialogue process of revealing educational problems by Rousseau, notably in Emile. First of all, the ideal-educated human picture origining from Emile had potentially influenced on modern education because Emile, who was moral person created by Rousseau, got rid of human inequality and acknowledged significantly importance of freedom. In the enlightment of democracy, people wanted to nurture moral citizenship, which was the main charactersitic of modern-democratic education, that represented the essential differences between feudal-monarchy education and modern-democratic education. Therefore, Emile had laid the foundation for modern-democratic education. Unlike the notion of Emile as a beginning to construct moral society, Freire followed the route of Marxism, and stressed the differences of social classes. In addition, he advocated pedagogy of the oppressed to raise the relationships between human picture and worldview based on understanding of nature of oppression and exploitation in the Capitalist context. As a result, he proposed posing education as a form of enhancing humanity in teaching as well as illustrating the inclusion and development between democracy and education. The flow and infiltration of national knowledge had shaped disciplinary society, which was pointed out by Foucault, was distinct from traditional moral education and evoluational provision of pursuiting humanity-emacipating. In this context, Foucault had raised the importance of concerning for self: aesthetics of existence, in other words, by means of concerning learning growth for self, it could challenge the formal frames of educational aims building on the basis of nation so as to bring the conflict on way of thinking for modern educational researches.

    As the results shown, after reviewing the shift of modern human picture and the possibility of related development, researcher attempts to indicate the tension with the differences and the similarities among the knowledge relationship when human picture are put into three forms of political-educational paradigm of pedagogy. As a result, the findings, which represent different explanation to acknowledge the modern education, are recognized as background of discussing educational knowledge so that we can have profound thinking about education, as well as in the expansion of dimensions of educational theories. In the follow-up research, researcher suggest that we should acknowledge various risks from human encountering at the moment based on the queries from the Kent’s educational problem and make appropriately contribution to education as educational practitioners. In my conclusion, I quote the conclusion that discussed the significances of education on UNESCO’s educational reforms in 1999, which was written by contemporary French philosopher Edgar Morin.
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    Description: 博士
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