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    题名: 國家主導的綠色城市發展以中新天津生態城為例
    State-led Development of Green Cities The Case of the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City
    作者: 史雅各
    Yannick Ruben Stamm
    贡献者: 湯京平
    Tang, Ching Ping
    Yannick Ruben Stamm
    关键词: 中新天津生態城
    Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City
    Ecological City
    Environmental Protection
    Low Carbon City
    Indicator System
    日期: 2013
    上传时间: 2014-07-07 11:14:21 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 適合全球可持續性的居住環境已經是一個明顯且也不斷的被提出的發展目標,而中國大陸也在打造全新生態城的發展面向上有著極大的努力與成果。本研究欲探討的問題有二:一、為何中新天津生態城(Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City)的發展模式可以在中國大陸運行並且建構?二、此種發展模式是否可以擴散到中國其它的地區?本文認為,政府運用合資企業的建設模式使得打造全世界最具規模的生態城得以實現,成就了此一指標性的計畫。
    為了要分析此計畫的可行性,必須要檢視適合的指標系統(indicator system),探討整合市民的生活經驗與中國中央政府對於計畫發展過程的影響是否對建構全新生態城的可行性有所影響。
    There are consistently clear signals and calls for a more sustainable living worldwide. China is making enormous efforts by building eco-cities from scratch. This study focuses on the question why the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City project is more likely to be developed and constructed in China and whether or not this project is scalable and transferable. The governmental joint-venture is a unique project and becomes the world’s largest eco-city, proving that an eco-city development from scratch can be accomplished.
    In order to analyze the feasibility of such a project it’s necessary to examine the appropriateness of indicator system, the influence of the Chinese state leadership on the development process, and integration of citizens and their daily-life experience.
    On site research and inquiries and indicator analysis reveal that the eco-city has achieved most goals. However this study indicates that Chinese governments should provide environmental education to enhance eco-awareness. Lastly, it’s necessary to strive for higher and better monitored indicator targets similar to Western constructions, and integration of citizens in order to ensure that the eco-city’s ambitious goals can reflect actual circumstances instead of a mere real estate project.
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