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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/67318
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    Title: 不同管道之訊息說服效果之研究 – 以金融業為例
    A Comparison of the Persausive Effects of Messages Delievered through Different Channels – The Case of the Financial Industry in Taiwan
    Authors: 楊傑全
    Yang, Chieh Chuan
    Contributors: 于卓民

    Yang, Chieh Chuan
    Keywords: 金融業
    financial industry
    communicating channels
    message contents
    persuasive effects
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-07-07 11:10:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣金融業競爭日益激烈,在產品同質性高的情況之下,各家金融機構轉而透過服務來創造差異化利基並且盡力與顧客維持長久且深厚的關係,厚植競爭力。對於金融機構行銷人員來說,其透過提供符合期望之產品服務來使既有顧客重複購買使用,並選擇正確的溝通管道與顧客溝通,藉此增加顧客對該行的忠誠度,達到極大化顧客終身價值的顧客關係管理目標。


    As the competiton among financial industry in Taiwan is getting increasingly fierce, under the high product homogeneity, each financial instutution turns to create differentiation through service and tries hard to maintain a life-long relationship with cistomers. For financial marketers, they make customers purchase the product or use the service again and again not only by providing proucts and services which meets their expectations, but also choosing the right channel to communicate with customers. All the efforts are meant to increase cusomers’ loyalty and attain the goal of customer relationship management – maximize customers’ life-time value.

    There are multi channels for financial institutions to contact their customers, from physical channels including counter personnels, financial consultants and call center to virtual channels such as email, online bank and APP on mobile phones. However, few studies had discussed the difference of persuasive effects of messages delivered through “different channels” and “different contents” within when financial institutions implementing CRM activities. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to compare and understand by what channel and with what contents may have the best persuasive effects when sending messages to customers, in order to enhance the result of CRM.The main research method is experimental design and collecting data by questionnaires.

    The study result are shown below. First, the persuasive effect of “non-pesonalized” message delivered through different channels is significantly different, especially through “online bank” has the best persuasive effect. However, the persuasive effect of “pesonalized” message delivered through different channels has no differences. Second, delivering “pesonalized” message by “phone” and “email” has significantly better persuasive effect. Besides, using “online bank” to deliver messages, there is no difference of persuasive effect no matter what content within. But generally speaking, using online bank to communicate with customers, compared to other two channel, it has better persuasive effects.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101355048
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