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    Title: 兩岸經貿交流提升與台灣科技人才: 機會與衝擊
    The Rising Cross-Taiwan Strait Economic Exchange and Taiwan’s Science & Technology Talents: Opportunity and Challenge
    Authors: 黃佳琳
    Huang, Jialing
    Contributors: 李明
    Lee, Ming
    Huang, Jialing
    Keywords: 全球化
    Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations
    Talent’s Dispatch
    Science & Technology Talents
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-07-01 12:23:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 全球化趨勢帶動兩岸經貿交流互動,中國大陸從世界工廠成為世界市場,外資紛紛轉往中國大陸投資設廠。然而,因為台灣與中國大陸擁有相同語言及文化背景,也使得台灣企業及科技人才比其它企業擁有更多的優勢及機會。台灣企業大舉投資中國大陸並在中國設立生產基地,台灣科技人才必需扮演中間溝通、技術移轉的角色。而台灣科技人才也將面臨因此現況帶來的機會與挑戰。作者將提出經濟全球化與全球及對兩岸的影響、台灣企業投資大陸設廠及台灣科技人才到中國大陸工作的原因;並透過深度訪談了解台灣科技人才的想法及意見及提出在就業上的建議給台灣科技人才及台灣企業人力資源管理政策上的建議以留住人才、減少因產業外移中國大陸而造成人才流失。
    Globalization helps cross-strait economic exchange. China is transitioning from just being a “world-factory” to also being a “world-market.” Foreign investments have been flowing into China; foreign companies set up branches and factories in China. When Taiwanese enterprises move their production lines to China, Taiwanese S&T talent needs to play roles in communications, training and skill transfers. Taiwanese investors and companies, however, have the advantage over their global competitors of sharing the same language and culture with China, which affords Taiwanese enterprises and talent (skilled workers) more opportunities than other countries. At the same time, there are some challenges that Taiwanese science and technology talent needs to face. The author will first describe the patterns of economic globalization in the world, especially between Taiwan and China. The author will then present some of the reasons that Taiwanese enterprises invest in China engage in science and technology work in China. The author will supplement the trend analysis with details from in-depth interviews with some Taiwanese industry S&T workers to propose suggestions to Taiwanese professionals, to human resource management and for trans-national labor policy -- with a particular eye towards retention of talent and know-how and to avoid “brain-drain”.
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    MA Thesis and Ph. D. Dissertations
    Chang, Jui-Chen. A Study of Foreign Direction Investment Motivation and International Strategy (MA Thesis for Department of MBA, Yunlin: National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, 2003).
    Shen, Ding-Yi. The Case Study of Notebook Sub-contractors for the Commercial Value of Global Enterprises’ Information Strategy and Science and Technology (MA Thesis for Department of Information Management, Taoyuan: National Central University, 2005).
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    Hu, Kai-Chen. A Study of Influences Caused by the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area on Taiwan`s Political and Economic Development (MA Thesis for Graduate Institute of China Studies, Taipei: Tamkang University, 2012).
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    Huang, Hsiao-Yu. The Relationship of the Involvement, Work-Family Conflict and Quality of Work Life among the Three Different Dispatch Types (MA Thesis for Department of International Business, Taipei: Soochow University, 2007).
    Li, Chao-Ping. The Impact of Cross-Strait Direct Flight on Taiwan Airlines Industry ---- A Case Study of China Airlines Company (MA Thesis for Eminent Public Administrators, Taipei: National Chengchi University, 2009).

    Lin, Yi-Fan. Investigation of the Career Development and Career Needs of the Female Human Resources in Science and Technology (MA Thesis for Department of Business Administration, Taichung: Tunghai University, 2010).
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    Lin, Chin-Ching. The Effect of FDI in Domestic Employment-Research of Taiwanese Inventors in Mainland China (MA Thesis for Institute of Economics, Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-Sen University, 2004).
    Liu, Feng-Shou. Study on the Selection of An Optimal Cross-Strait Development Strategy of Taiwan - Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process (MA Thesis for International Affairs, Taipei: National Chengchi University, 2006).
    Lau, Yuet-Yi. The Comparison of Personnel Policy among Cross-Strait (China, Hong Kong & Taiwan) --- The Case Studies of Quality Migrants Admission Schemes (Graduate Institute of China Studies, Taipei: Tamkang University, 2012).
    Peng, Siao-yun. Reseach of Family Adaption Process of the Employee Assigned to Foreign Countries - A Example of Mainland China (MA Thesis for Department of Social Work, Taipei: Soochow University, 2006).
    Shih-Chieh, Sung. A Comparative Study on the Factors of Immigration Policy-Making in Taiwan and in Singapore (MA Thesis for Graduate School of Southeast Asian Studies, Nantou: National Chinan University, 2000).
    Shih, Jhong-Wun. The Professionals and Skilled Migration from the Philippines (MA for Graduate Institute of Asian Studies, Taipei: Tamkang University, 2012).
    Weng, Szu-Min. The Labor Right of Dispatchs in China (MA Thesis for Institute for Labour Research, Taipei: National Chengchi University, 2010).
    Wang, Wei-An. A study on Turnover Intention for Taiwanese Dispatches in China - The Impact of Changes in Remoteness due to Cross-Strait Direct flights (MA Thesis for Department of Information Management, Taoyuan: National Central University, 2009).
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100926010
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