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Title: | 新保守主義與小布希政府的國家安全戰略 Neoconservatism and the National Security Strategy of G. W. Bush Administration |
Authors: | 張智瑋 Chang, Chi Wei |
Contributors: | 姜家雄 Chiang, Chia Hsiung 張智瑋 Chang, Chi Wei |
Keywords: | 新保守主義 國家安全戰略 布希主義 國家安全決策 智庫 反彈道飛彈條約 彈道飛彈防禦 Neoconservatism national security strategy Bush Doctrine national security policymaking think tank Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty Ballistic Missile Defense |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2014-07-01 12:22:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 作為意識形態,新保守主義具有相當的影響力,是美國對外關係中相當重要的元素,它決定了美國決策者的價值觀,並且形成具體的政策。「新保守主義」在小布希政府上台之後成為影響美國國家安全戰略和政策的決定性力量。本論文主要探討新保守主義以及它對於小布希政府國家安全戰略的影響,並以美國退出反彈道飛彈條約作為檢驗的案例。
一、新保守主義是否影響小布希政府國家安全戰略; 二、新保守主義如何形塑美國國家安全戰略。
本論文經由新保守主義的發展歸納出新保守主義中與國家安全相關的思維,並將之比對小布希政府的國家安全戰略,視其是否符合;另再檢視小布希政府內國家安全決策團隊是否為新保守主義的成員,希冀能對新保守主義對於小布希政府國家安全戰略的影響性及影響方式進行詳盡的探討,最後再以此種影響方式探討美國將退出反彈道飛彈條約的案例。 Neoconservative political ideology influences US foreign affairs significantly. It affects policymakers’ sense of value; thus, the policies are formed and implemented accordingly. Neoconservatism became crucial in the term of national security strategy in GW Bush administration. The paper aims to discuss the impact of Neoconservatism in GW Bush administration’s national security strategy, and use the case of the withdrawal of Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2001 as the validation of the research. The development and deployment of missile defense system has been controversial since Cold War, yet it is a major national security policy in the United States. G.W. Bush had paid attention to this subject ever since he announced running for president of the U.S. And soon after taking the office, Bush delivered a speech in National Defense University and declared withdrawing from ABM treaty, which has an extremely important role of arm control. The paper uses this withdrawal as a case study to verify the impact of Neoconservatism in GW Bush administration. Both what and how Neoconservatism influences GW Bush administration’s national security strategy are to be studied in this paper. Firstly, this research will conclude the thoughts that related to national security by examining the development of Neoconservatism,and compare them with the national strategy of GW Bush overnment. Secondly, the paper will observe the policymakers in the administration, and see if they are Neocons by matching them with the Neoconservatism cabal. Finally, the paper will use the significant case of U.S. withdrawing from ABM treaty to exam the influence of Neoconservatism and its way on GW Bush administration. |
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