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    Title: 建構以部落為基礎之流域資源治理策略-以新竹縣尖石鄉石門水庫集水區為例
    The strategy of the control of watershed resource which constructed on the basis of tribes–The example of Shimen Reservoir Catchments of Hsinchu Jianshi Township
    Authors: 傅小芝
    Contributors: 顏愛靜
    Keywords: 流域資源
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2014-07-01 12:16:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 臺灣近幾年受極端氣候影響,致災害發生機率逐年提高,而災損的範圍逐年擴大,從2004年艾利颱風造成石門水庫集水區土石嚴重崩塌,使下游大桃園地區供水出現困難,至2009年的莫拉克颱風,重創中南部地區的山地部落,都可看出政府過於強調工程治水,而忽略流域環境中對於資源使用者在地知識的參與及利益協調的流域資源治理思維,已高度呈現治理無效及治理危機的產生。
    In recent years, Taiwan has been affected by extreme weather, causing disaster incidents to increase gradually over the years and gradually expanding the scope of disaster damage. From the 2004 Typhoon Aere that caused a serious landslide at Shihmen Reservoir Watershed and downstream water supply difficulties in Taoyuan to the 2009 Typhoon Morakot that hit the hill tribes in the central and southern regions, it can be seen that the government places too much emphasis on flood control projects, while ignoring the involvement of the local knowledge of resource users and management thinking of watershed resources of interests coordination in the watershed environment. It can be seen that there is a high degree of ineffective governance and generation of crisis management.
    In Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County, the Atayal tribe is located upstream of the Shihmen Reservoir. The Atayal tribe works with local residents in the use and management of environmental resources in the catchment area. That is, the effectiveness of the watershed management of the government has produced important links. Namely, the government achieved effective control of watershed resources, and the residents cannot be involved in the coordination and cooperation from outside the governance system. Therefore, the current government is the common governance created by the institutional resources and the watershed residents. A suitable model was constructed for the tribal self-governance of watershed resources. This study adopts the favorable factors that Kerr (2007) found in the local governance system of shared resources. Through the government’s watershed management policies, regulations, and relevant laws of catchment areas in the case research and analysis of a resource management event, in-depth interviews were conducted with the residents, and fieldwork observations were done to view the cases of self-governance in the watershed resources. The available objective and subjective factors were aligned with in order to achieve a shared resource system of governance principles, and these principles have shown to be favorable. From the subjective and objective factors, the study explored the possible issues that may be faced in the tribal self-governance of watershed resources. From this topic, the research and analysis solved the program or tactics. This study can serve as a reference for the government in implementing the common governance of watershed resources system in tribal areas, thereby achieving the goals of a balanced watershed resources management and tribal development.
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