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Title: | 台大實驗林社區林業計畫之研究 -以共用資源自主治理制度設計檢視 The research of community forestry plan at National Taiwan University experimental forest - In the view of self-governance on common pool resources |
Authors: | 阮佳萱 Juan, Chia Hsuan |
Contributors: | 顏愛靜 Yen, Ai Ching 阮佳萱 Juan, Chia Hsuan |
Keywords: | 台大實驗林 社區林業 自主治理 共用資源 The Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University Community forestry Self-governance Common Pool Resources |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-06-04 14:45:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,社區林業的推行已然成為國際間林業經營的新趨勢,而我國亦在2002年推動「社區林業-居民參與保育共生計畫」,倡導「林業走出去,民眾走進來」的社區林業理念,該理念之倡導,旨在鼓勵在地居民參與,凝聚共識及培養社區自主能力,並由政府與社區居民及民間組織形成夥伴關係,以協力推動生物多樣性保育、永續森林生態旅遊及相關林業建設,藉以達成社區發展與森林永續之目標。 台大實驗林過去的林業治理多半採由上而下的治理方式,常導致管理單位與當地居民的對立,治理成效未盡理想,故台大實驗林管理處近年來嘗試遴選適當社區,推動社區林業,期望能找到林業資源治理新契機,然而,其成效若何值得深入考察,又因實驗林乃肩負試驗研究、教學實習、示範經營、環境保育等責任,本研究認為若能在此地區為政策示範地區,當能作為全國的林業治理借鏡,故遴選其轄區內執行之社區為個案加以探討,以獲悉施行實況。 森林係屬排他性很低但取用的減損性高的共用資源(Common Pool Resources, CPR)之一,若未能妥善經營管理,則易產生「共用地悲劇」。Elinor Ostrom(1990)曾就此提出由社區自主治理永續制度安排的設計原則,故本研究將藉以援引,並採深入訪談法,評估台大實驗林接受社區林業補助的案例的施行成果,提出自主治理的難題,包含參與者界定困難、參與者投入的成本與獲得效益不相稱、尚無監督參與者的機制、無權進行制裁機制、上級主管單位授權不足,並提出相關解決對策,期望使社區林業政策之推動更臻成熟,亦透過本研究肯認台大實驗林未來發展生態旅遊之潛力,而為改善我國森林資源治理效能之方針。 In recent years, the implementation of community forestry industry has become a new trend in the international forestry operations , while now is also promoting " Community Forestry - residents to participate in conservation Symbiosis Project " in 2002 , advocated " Forestry go outside , people come inside ," the community forestry concept the idea of the initiative, designed to encourage residents to participate in the ground , build consensus and foster community autonomy , the government formed by residents and non-governmental organizations and community partnerships to promote the conservation of biological diversity in the third , sustainable forest eco-tourism and related forestry construction , in order to achieve the goal of sustainable community development and forest . The Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University (hereafter referred to as the Experimental Forest) past forestry governance mostly adopt a top-down governance , often leading management units and local residents opposing governance performance unsatisfactory , the Experimental Forest in recent years to try the selection of appropriate community , promote community forestry, expect to find new opportunities for forest resource management , however , the effectiveness of how worthy of further investigation, because of the experimental forests are shouldering experimental research, teaching practice , demonstration management, environmental conservation and other responsibilities , this study suggests that if the demonstration in the area of regional policy when a country`s forestry governance can learn from , so the selection of its communities in the area to be explored is the case , learned to perform live . Department of Forestry is low but exclusive access to the shared resources with high impairment (Common Pool Resources, CPR) one of , if not the proper management, is easy to produce , " shared the tragedy ." Elinor Ostrom (1990) had been made by the community self- governance and sustainable design principles of institutional arrangements , the purpose of this study will be invoked , and mining depth interviews to assess the implementation of the outcome of Experimental Forest accepted the case of community forestry subsidies , raise self- governance the problem, in order to propose solutions that promote community forestry policies more mature, improve the performance of our forest resources governance . |
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