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    Title: 權力在不當督導中所扮演的角色
    The Role of Power in Abusive Supervision
    Authors: 鄭瑩妮
    Cheng, Ying Ni
    Contributors: 胡昌亞
    Hu, Chang Ya
    Cheng, Ying Ni
    Keywords: 不當督導
    Abusive supervision
    Voice behavior
    Perceived organizational politics
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-06-04 14:45:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究之目的是從權力的趨向-抑制理論 (Keltner, Gruenfeld, & Anderson, 2003) 以及調控焦點理論 (Higgins, 1997) 來探討不當督導的前因與後果。更精確來說,是要探討主管的強制權和不當督導之間的關係,以及三個調節變項 (主管知覺組織政治、主管的神經質人格、主管的職涯主義) 對此關係的影響。同時,我假定不當督導對於部屬建言行為的預測效果會受到部屬的長期調控焦點 (即長期促進焦點與長期預防焦點) 所調節。採用518對主管與部屬對偶樣本進行分析後發現二階與三階交互作用效果:1. 主管的職涯主義與主管知覺組織政治會各別調節主管的強制權和不當督導之間的正向關係。2. 主管知覺組織政治和主管的神經質人格會共同調節主管的強制權對於不當督導的影響效果。3. 分析結果顯示不當督導和部屬建言行為之間沒有關聯性。再者,部屬的長期調控焦點無法調節上述關係。針對研究結果,本文提出理論與實務上之意涵。
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the antecedent and outcome of abusive supervision on the basis of the approach-inhibition theory of power (Keltner et al., 2003) and the self-regulation focus theory (Higgins, 1997). Specifically, the study investigated the relationship between supervisors’ coercive power and abusive supervision and the influence of three moderators - supervisors’ perceived organizational politics (POP), supervisors’ neuroticism, and supervisors’ careerism -on the above-mentioned relationship. Also, I posited that the effect of abusive supervision on subordinates’ voice behavior would be moderated by subordinates’ chronic regulation foci (i.e., chronic promotion focus and chronic prevention focus). With a sample of 518 supervisor-subordinate dyads, two- and three-way interaction effects were found: First, supervisors’ careerism and supervisors’ perceived organizational politics respectively moderated the positive relationship between supervisors’ coercive power and abusive supervision. Second, supervisors’ perceived organizational politics and supervisors’ neuroticism would jointly moderate the extent that supervisors’ coercive power would effect abusive supervision. Third, the results revealed that abusive supervision did not relate to subordinates’ voice behavior. Also, subordinates’ chronic regulation foci could not moderate this relationship. The theoretical and practical implications of this study are discussed.
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