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    Title: 數位化對電視新聞導播角色的改變
    The change of the role of a TV news director through digitalization
    Authors: 羅裕儀
    Contributors: 關尚仁
    Keywords: 電視新聞
    TV news
    Digital Convergence
    News Industry
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2014-06-04 14:40:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 科技影響電視新聞產製流程,種種新科技的發明給電視新聞製作人員帶來了觀念、知識及技術上的衝擊不斷。台灣新聞台競爭激烈,為因應類比技術淘汰後數位技術的發展,民視、東森、大愛、年代、三立及TVBS都朝非線剪輯及無帶化發展,能將一支新聞完成帶同時提供二個以上的頻道使用,減少帶子播出的錯誤率。研究者曾為TVBS資深導播,長期親身參與新聞台數位化過程,記錄了導播知能與觀念的改變與因應方法,本文也期盼透過深度訪談各台新聞導播,探討新聞導播角色的三個面向:
    1、 新聞產製流程最後一道關卡的導播,數位衝擊前後的角色與知能。
    2、 數位衝擊的過程中在技術及觀念上如何回應。
    3、 未來導播們該如何在心理和角色認知上做調整?並提出導播未來養成訓練的建議。
    Technology has impacted the procedure of news production. Various new innovations have also contributed to concepts, knowledge and continuous influence of TV news producing workers. As a result, it has been competitive in Taiwan news field. According to the development of the digital technology after eliminating analogy techniques, non-linear editing and tapeless production are the goals to be achieved for many companies, such as Formosa TV, ETTV, DaAi TV, Era TV, SetNews and TVBS. Offering one piece of edited news to two or more channels to broadcast reduces the mistakes.
    As a researcher, I had been a senior director in TVBS. Moreover, not only had I participated the digital procedure but also recorded the awareness of a director, the change of any concept and the methods of adjusting and solving the problems, Through the profound interviews with many directors of different TV companies, It is expected that I would like to discuss three aspects of a news director:

    1. Being the last inspector of the news producing. the director’s characters and awareness shift after digital impact,
    2. How does a director response to the techniques and the concept during the process of digital impact?
    3. How do the directors adjust their roles in mind? There are some suggested solutions in the future program for directors-to-be.
    Reference: 【中文部份】
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0929410111
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