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    Title: 試析文創產業導入電子商務之發展-以應用「TAP FURRR」模式為例
    Development of cultural and creative industries implementing e-commerce by TAP FURRR model
    Authors: 張凱媛
    Contributors: 蔡孟佳
    Keywords: 電子商務
    internet marketing
    cultural industry
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2014-05-01 15:20:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著Web 3.0時代的來臨,新形態的網路科技讓新的商業模式成為可能,許多傳統B2B外銷廠商認為網路行銷非主流,但是懂得搶先佈局的廠商,卻能在越來越蓬勃的網路浪潮之中站在浪頭贏得先機,電子商務的興起有助於產品跨海貿易外銷,不同於以往的貿易模式,現在網路行銷無遠弗屆,網路幫助貿易商讓客戶主動找上門,縮短開發週期更使得貿易運作更有效率,由此可見我國的中小企業公司,若是能掌握這波新形態的網路浪潮,建構完善的網路行銷策略,遠端佈局就能立足台灣做全球生意,精準的網路行銷對於企業的電子商務發展策略至為關鍵。

    資訊與通信科技技術的進步帶來創新以及網路革命,對於企業結構造成影響並改變其決策過程,本文以下首先透過國外文獻資料,嘗試歸納彙整出社交網絡及Web 3.0興起對於電子商務發展現況的影響,並探討在這樣快速變遷的網路環境之中,我國國內電子商務發展的情形以及趨勢,並檢視我國企業導入電子商務的過程中面臨的問題;接著,以文創產業為核心,探討其導入電子商務的過程中,是否因其產業性質而遇到挑戰,並運用實務提出之「TAP FURRR」模式,嘗試提出解決的思考方向;再者,輔以近來頻頻登上國際媒體如BBC新聞網等之成功個案公司訪談,印證文創產業導入電子商務的過程中,如何運用「TAP FURRR」模式來因應調整以克服挑戰;最後,提出結論及建議。

    With the Web 3.0 era, new forms of network technology makes new business model possible, many traditional export manufacturers believe that B2B Internet marketing is non-mainstream, however the first mover who knows how to manage the internet marketing plan well will take the competitive advantages in this fast speeding internet wave. The rise of e-commerce helps exporter to promote their product oversea. Unlike the previous trade patterns, now far-reaching network marketing, benefit traders to shorten the development cycle also makes business operation more efficient. With the accurate e-commerce Internet marketing strategy, traders can do the business worldwide with the base rooted in Taiwan.
    Information and Communication Technology bring innovative technology and network into revolution, affect the structure of the enterprise and change its decision-making process. The following article review the foreign literature, trying to show how the Web 3.0 development and the rise of social network influence the current e-commerce environment. Then, reviewing Taiwan"s domestic e-commerce situation and showing the updated current trend of e-commerce in Taiwan. Furthermore, explore what"s the challenges that Taiwan"s e-business enterprise encounter among this rapidly changing environment. Secondly, focusing on cultural industries, to explore what"s the challenges the enterprise facing while import e-commerce into it"s business and to analysis whether the nature of the industry affect the problems. Then, use the "TAP FURRR" model, trying to propose solutions to the direction of thinking. Besides, supplemented by interviews with successful company, confirms cultural industries to import e-commerce in the process, how to use "TAP FURRR" model to overcome challenges. Finally, sum up with all the discussions and make conclusions and recommendations.
    This paper intends to propose relevant solutions through research and recommendations concerned how the cultural industries import the e-commerce and how to face the challenges. Intend to provide more practical direction and analysis for the e-commerce companies, in expectation that the enterprise have not only the technical capacity of electronic hardware also the ability to make Internet Marketing strategy while operating e-commerce business.
    Reference: 中文文獻

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