摘要: | GPS衛星定位測量是目前廣爲使用的定位方式, 然GPS定位常因遮蔽造成對空通視不良, 使定位精度受到影響甚至無法進行定位. 隨著Galileo定位系統的發展及佈設, 接收儀若能同時測量進行Galileo觀測量之模擬, 經研究以相隔2小時的GPS衛星觀測量進行GPS/Galileo定位模擬時, 所獲衛星的空間分佈爲最佳, 其於本研究區域內GPS/Galileo定位精度顯示, PDOP值約可提升35%, 橫坐標定位精度約可提升20%;縱坐標定位精度約可提升5%;高程定位精度約可提升25%. 相對定位以DGPS虛擬距離差分評估雙衛星系統定位, 橫坐標精度約可提昇30.0%, 縱坐標精度約可提昇26.7%, 高程精度約可提昇11.3%. GPS technique has become one of the major positioning and navigation tools. However, there are still some drawbacks to GPS, such as the view of sky obstructed, causing the positioning accuracy degraded. The Galileo system will be operated in a few years later. If the receiver can obtain signals both from GPS and Galileo, it is expected to improve the efficiency of GPS positioning. Due to the fact that the Galileo has not been constructed yet, the GPS signals are then adopted and reformed to simulate the Galileo signals in this study. By means of combining two-hour-separated GPS observations as the simulated GPS/Galileo signals, the satellite constellation will be improved for a better geometric distribution in the sky. The test results obtained from this study showed that the PDOP values can be upgraded by 35%, and the precisions of E-component, N-component and height are improved around 21%, 5%, and 25%, respectively. Finally, an evaluation to the relative positioning based on DGPS using GPS/Galileo simulated pseudo-range observables were also carried out by this study. The test results showed that the precision of E-component, N-component and height are also improved by around 30%, 27%, and 11%, respectively. |