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Title: | 從社會排除觀點探討非典型就業對台灣青年工作者的影響 The Impact of Atypical Employment on the Young Workers in Taiwan - the Perspective of Social Exclusion |
Authors: | 蔡婷婷 Tsai, Ting Ting |
Contributors: | 魏玫娟 Wei, Mei Chuan 蔡婷婷 Tsai, Ting Ting |
Keywords: | 勞動彈性化 非典型聘雇 彈性剝削 社會排除 labor flexibility atypical employment flexploitation social exclusion |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-04-01 11:18:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在經濟全球化與全球產業結構轉型的過程中,勞動彈性化的適用改變了各國勞動市場結構以及傳統的雇用關係,出現新的勞動型態-「非典型聘雇」。隨著台灣非典型聘雇的快速發展,特別是愈來愈多大學(專)畢業生選擇以此勞動型態進入職場,然而,非典型聘雇本身存在的「不安定」特質,不僅讓青年族群必須面對更嚴峻的勞動條件(高就業風險),更可能在「彈性剝削」的勞動過程中出現社會排除的現象。本研究從「社會排除」的觀點切入,探究台灣青年選擇從事非典型工作的考量因素與實際從事的情形為何?試圖發掘其中潛藏的社會排除因子。在檢視包含勞動市場彈性化、雇用關係的轉變與社會排除理論等相關文獻後,本研究針對8位「大學(專)以上高學歷青年」進行深度訪談。根據訪談結果發現:第一、青年非典型工作者的工作動機會影響其與雇主議價的能力以及對工作的期待,「工具性工作動機」的非自願性者在勞資互動過程中的被動角色,使其容易受到惡劣勞動條件的剝削成為工作貧窮者。第二、勞動市場中,非典型工作位置的快速擴增與濫用,加劇青年族群遭受質量低落的非典型工作的剝削。第三、青年非典型工作者在薪資、福利與勞動權益方面遭受「主要的」勞動市場的排除,可能進一步造成經濟、社會關係與個人面向的排除。最後,本研究發現,台灣在普遍勞動風險較高、政府傾向資方立場以及社會對青年族群的不友善觀感,都將惡化青年非典型工作者的處境;而政府目前的政策方向,卻因過於專注在降低失業數據與執行不確實等原因,導致成效相當有限。 Labor flexibility is applicable to the change of each country’s structural labor market and traditional relationship between employer and employee during the process of economic globalization and transformation of global industrial structure where new labor type, “atypical employment” is emerged. With rapid development of atypical employment in Taiwan, in particular, an increasing number of college graduated students choose it to start their career; however, the “precarious” feature lied in atypical employment not only forces youth to face with more strict labor conditions (high risk behind employment), but also social exclusion might be possible in the course of “flexploitation” during employed. This study started from the perspective of “social exclusion” where issues including what shall be the factors in Taiwan youth’s considering selection of atypical job and what could be the practices were discussed to try to discover any potential factor of social exclusion. Viewed literatures as to labor market flexibility, transformation of employment relationship as well as social exclusion theory, this study had in-depth interview of eight “youth people with educational background higher than universities (colleges)”. Indicated from the results, firstly, the motivation of young workers in atypical employment would affect their ability to negotiate with the employer and expectation on the job; an involuntary labor with “instrumental work motivation” plays a passive role in the course of interaction with employers who is vulnerable to be a working-poor from exploitation of harsh working conditions; secondly, in the labor market, rapid expansion and abuse of position in atypical employment aggravates the degree of exploitation of young workers by low-quality atypical works; thirdly, in terms of salary, benefits and labor rights, young workers in atypical employment are excluded from primary labor market which might cause advanced exclusion of economic, social relation and individual dimensions. Finally, the findings of this study show that universally high risk of labor condition, government’s biased in employer’s position and social unfriendly sense of youth people in Taiwan will aggravate situation of young workers in atypical employment; and current orientation in the governmental policy might lead to limited effect due to more attention paid to the factors of dropping down unemployment ratio and inaccurate execution. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國家發展研究所 99261004 102 |
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