Abstract: | 國際間無論對於權利耗盡原則適用的範圍有何爭議, 大體上均以合法著作物的第一次市場行為作為利益衡量的基點. 反觀美國著作權法下權利耗盡原則的發展, 與前述國際間主流趨勢有所不同. 向來, 美國著作權判例法常周旋於 "著作物製造地" 於權利耗盡原則適用的爭議, 亦即權利耗盡原則的啟動是否僅限於美國本土製造的著作物?1998年美國聯邦最高法院的Quality King Distribs., Inc. v. L`anza Research Int`l, Inc.一案, 揭示權利耗進原則的適用, 不因著作物 "第一次市場行為" 在國外市場發生而受影響, 令一般評論者誤認美國著作權法的權利耗盡原則已正式邁入 "國際耗盡" 之林. 雖然其中確認 "輸入權" 亦受權利耗盡原則適用的限制, 頗值得贊許, 但該案隱含 "著作物製造地" 的爭議, 值得玩味. 終於, 在2010年的Costco v. Omega一案, 聯邦最高法院肯認第九巡迴上訴法院的立場, 亦即將 "著作物製造地" 視為權利耗盡原則啟動的必要條件. 綜上而論, 依美國著作權法的現勢而論, 權利耗盡原則似採 "修正式" 的 "國際耗盡" 概念. 美國無論在國際著作權法與國際貿易方面具有舉足輕重的地位, 因此, 其著作權法的 "修正式國際耗盡原則" 未來對國際間所蘊釀的影響力, 以及對於傳統位居主流地位的權利耗盡概念的衝擊, 尚值得觀察. 本文有鑑於此, 嘗試以傳統權利耗盡原則的法理進一步檢視此 "修正式國際耗盡原則" , 特別由 "輸入權" 與權利耗盡原則的關係, 以及合法製造物的製造地等二大議題, 評析該原則發展的得失. 希望藉由本文的研究更能釐清著作權法下權利耗盡原則的正確法理基礎與適用解釋, 有助於我國著作權法未來在相關制度與實務運作的自我反省與期許. The first marketing of copyrighted products is always the pivot for the reconciliation of conflicting interests under the exhaustion doctrine, even though there is no consensus about the scope of this doctrine around the world. The exhaustion doctrine under U.S. copyright case law seems to deviate from aforesaid mainstream tendency. Under U.S. copyright case law, the courts have been struggling to face with the dispute resulting from the interaction between the manufacturing place and the exhaustion doctrine. In "Quality King Distribs., Inc. v. L`anza Research Int`l, Inc," U.S. Supreme Court declared that the exhaustion doctrine still functions under the circumstances where the first marketing of copyrighted products was conducted outside the territory of U.S. Such development in U.S. copyright case law leads us to consider that U.S. copyright law has been adopting international exhaustion doctrine. However, in "Costco v. Omega", U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the Nineth Circuit Appeal Court to set up the manufacting place as the necessary element to apply the exhaustion doctrine. The exhaustion doctrine can be applied only when the copyrighted products were made in the U.S. As a matter fact, the exhaustion doctrine under U.S. copyright law is a modified international exhaustion doctrine. In view of the strength of the U.S. in dominating both international trades and the development of international copyright laws, it is worth observing how the modified international exhaustion doctrine impacts upon the traditional exhaustion norms. This article attempts to review the modified international exhaustion doctrine by the jurisprudence of the traditional exhaustion doctrine to clarify the adequate interpreataion of copyright exhaustion. This article also expects aforsaid reviews to bring the legislators and judicial practitioners to have some reflections on the application of the exhaustion doctrine under current copyright law, and its refinery in the future. |