Abstract: | 商標有別於專利及著作權, 其權利內容並非在禁止他人使用商標, 而是在於防止他人未經商標權人同意, 使用商標以不當方法剝奪商標權人對於該商標長期經營所造就的商譽. 由於商標權非在全面杜絕他人對商標的使用, 因此, 區辨具有商標權意義的 "商標使用" 與無關商標權的 "商標使用" , 在傳統商標法下已為一難題, 當商品或服務進入電子商務行銷的時代, 如何評價影響商標權的 "商標使用" , 或謂商標侵害下的 "商標使用" 更形困難. 近年來, 由於商標權財產權化的概念在國際間醞釀及瀰漫, 美歐已有將傳統商標法關於 "混淆誤認之虞" 的判斷時點往前挪移的趨勢, , 令商標權人得以主宰消費者作出消費決策前的資訊接觸, 此為著名的 "初始興趣混淆" . "初始興趣混淆" 是否為商標法體系下商標侵害的 "混淆誤認之虞" 範圍內, 頗有爭議, 特別在電子商務時代的行銷, 往往是透過消費者自行搜尋廣告資訊的結果, 其中 "初始興趣混淆" 的存在與否, 在商標法的意義更形重大. Compared with patent and copyright, trademark never entitles the owner to prevent from all trademark uses of the public, but the trademark use to misappropriate the goodwill behind the trademark contributed to long-term business operation of the trademark owner. As a consequence, it is difficult to distinguish the trademark uses harmless to trademark value from the ones in connection with misappropriation of goodwill, especially in the era of electronic commerce. Additionally, the concept of propertization of trademark has been spreading in the international community. Under U.S. or EU law, the likelihood confusion of trademark has been expended to the situations where the confusion occurs prior to the purchase so that the trademark owner could to dominate the access of consumers to product information. This kind of confusion is "initial interest confusion" . It is controversial about whether "initial interest confusion" is within the likelihood of confusion of trademark under traditional trademark law. Because the marketing of electronic commerce is usually done through the search of product information by consumers, it is worthwhile to examine the legality of "initial interest confusion" under trademark law. |