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Title: | 地方政府合併的組織內部溝通─以臺中市政府民政局為例 Organizational Internal Communication of the Local Government Consolidation-Take Department of Civil Affairs in Taichung City Government as examples |
Authors: | 莊婷宇 |
Contributors: | 黃東益 Huang, Tong Yi 莊婷宇 |
Keywords: | 地方政府合併 縣市改制直轄市 組織溝通 溝通模式 local government consolidation county-city reform upgrade as special municipality organizational communication communication model |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-03-03 15:38:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2010年的縣市政府合併改制,是我國地方行政組織近幾年的重大變革之一,兩個不同體制與架構的地方政府,在時間緊迫的情形下,如何針對最現實、立即的問題如組織架構、法規等進行討論與規劃,進而達成共識,有賴於彼此的溝通與協調。然而實際上彼此不僅對於架構與編制等,具有不同的想法,因牽涉人員未來權益問題,辦公廳舍的遷移,人員不願離開原先的工作地點,所產生質疑與爭議,都表示實踐溝通與協調的不易,是故,本研究透過「臺中縣市合併改制直轄市」,探求兩個地方政府合併改制過程中的實際溝通情形,藉此瞭解組織如何就合併改制事項,進行組織內部的水平與垂直溝通,以達成組織改制之目標並建立組織優勢。 研究發現,在實踐方面,透過理想中的溝通模式,發現地方政府在改制準備過程中,主要由參與規劃者掌握訊息,並主導傳遞方式,基層人員則屬於較被動的角色,形成由上而下的單向溝通模式;在理論方面,除必須考量行政組織的特色,國外地方政府合併的經驗,以及對溝通的重視與運用,皆可做為我國學習範本。本研究建議地方政府將來進行組織合併時,應以回饋做為雙向溝通的基礎,加強與基層人員的溝通,增加訊息的開放與透明程度,以降低人員的抗拒與不安,使合併過程更加順利。 County-city consolidation in 2010 is one of the most significant changes of local administrative organizations in recent years. Under time constraint, the two different administrative systems to be merged need to discuss how to formulate organizational structure and the laws and then reach a consensus, which all depends on communicating with each other. In fact, they have different opinions regarding the organizational structure, the rights of the employees, and the moving of offices where employees are not willing to move. All of these result in questions and dispute. It appears that communication is not easy to put into practice. Through examining the case of Taichung County and City which were merged and upgraded to Special Municipality, this study explores the actual organizational communication between the two local governments, and discusses how the two local governments make use of vertical and horizontal communication during consolidation. Through the ideal model of communication, this study discovers that when the local government is preparing consolidation, implementers not only have a great amount of information but decide how to deliver the message. On the contrary, employees play a passive role. The actual model becomes top-down and one-way communication. The study suggests that in communication, the implementers need to take administrative organizations’ feature into consideration. They should also learn the experience of county-city consolidation in other countries and their communication techniques. The local government should also enhance feedbacks in the two-way communication, strengthen the communication with employees, and increase openness and transparency of information. By so doing, the implementers may reduce employee’s resistance against and anxiety about consolidation. |
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