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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/63652
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    Title: 投資者的社群行為
    Social Behavior of Investors
    Authors: 梁煜銜
    Liang, Yuxian Eugene
    Contributors: 苑守慈
    Yuan, Soe Tysr
    Liang, Yuxian Eugene
    Keywords: 社群網路分析
    social network analysis
    link prediction
    machine learning
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-02-10 14:48:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: “在當今世界,社會結構就是一切,這(臉譜)是的東西。 ”
    例子是豐富,尤其是在常青藤大學的地位的情況下:谷歌收到了他們的天使資金來自安迪Bechtosheim , Sun微系統的聯合創始人和博士在斯坦福大學的電子工程;雅虎的早期幾輪融資分別由邁克爾·莫里茨紅杉資本,賓夕法尼亞大學的校友。 Facebook的天使投資是由彼得·泰爾,是斯坦福大學的校友。
    “In a world where social structure is everything, this (Facebook) was the thing.”
    ~ Sean Parker , played by Andrew Garfield in The Social Network
    We live in a social world. Cultures, societies to organizations are influenced by it’s social network, be it internally and externally. We know how powerful social structures are: from influencing thoughts, cultural and social norms to stereotyping of races and class of people. We also see the influence of social networks everyday, from the Internet to our daily life.
    Sometime ago, we made an interesting observation based on heuristics: why do people who were current students or alumni’s of Ivy Leagues or other popular schools tend to do well in life? Be it in businesses, politics and so on. We further think through this issue and noticed an interesting trend: alumnis of specific schools have a strong tendency to invest in startups started by their juniors.
    Examples are aplenty, especially in the case of universities of Ivy League status: Google received their angel funding from Andy Bechtosheim, co-founder of Sun Microsystems and PhD in Stanford’s electrical engineering; Yahoo!’s early financing rounds was led by Michael Moritz of Sequoia Capital, alumni of University of Pennsylvania. Facebook’s angel investment was made by Peter Thiel, a Stanford alumni.
    Are these coincidences? Or are there other forces at work? Such as an old school-boy network? In this research, we sought to understand these trends and build a predictive model.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100356020
    Data Type: thesis
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