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    Title: 關鍵字提示功能對使用者搜尋的影響-以Google Autocomplete為例
    How Keywords Suggestion Influences Users’ Searching Behavior: Case Studies from Google Autocomplete
    Authors: 莊雅茜
    Chuang, Ya Chian
    Contributors: 吳筱玫
    Chuang, Ya Chian
    Keywords: 關鍵字
    Search engine
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2014-02-10 14:45:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究目的為從框架理論的觀點,檢視搜尋引擎和 Google Autocomplete 如 何影響使用者搜尋行為和資訊解讀方式。本研究採用名人和娛樂作為搜尋主題, 透過實驗法的精神實際觀察法,以及觀察之後的半結構式訪談,記錄十三位使 用者的搜尋歷程和行為背後的思考方式。

    在此架構下,本研究共有三項主要發現。首先是使用者有偏差的搜尋行為, 包括使用單一搜尋引擎、類似的搜尋關鍵字,以及瀏覽前兩頁且排序較前的搜 尋結果,其中又以維基百科最為使用者信任。

    再者是 Google Autocomplete 使用情況,本研究使用者對於 Google Autocomplete 功能並不陌生,一般在(1)關鍵字提示符合(或相似)個人的關 鍵字、(2)關鍵字提示特殊、(3)不知道該輸入什麼關鍵字,以及(4)關鍵 字提示比個人的關鍵字更為精準的情況下,使用關鍵字建議。

    最後是 Google Autocomplete 如何影響使用者搜尋行為和解讀。本研究大部 份的使用者依其原本的使用者框架,有一套既有的搜尋行為和關鍵字聯想方式, 不過在瀏覽 Google Autocomplete 提供的關鍵字建議清單後,會改變原先預設的 搜尋關鍵字,對於關鍵字的回憶,也多來自關鍵字建議清單中的選項;此外, 本研究使用者會推論關鍵字之間的連結性,如將「李安 基督教」定義為一資訊 陳述的方式,甚至進一步形成李安信仰基督教的推論結果。
    The purpose of this paper is to examine how search engine and its Google Autocomplete influence online users’ searching behavior and information interpretation from frame theory perspective. This paper focuses on celebrity and entertainment-related information as research topic and conducts quasi-experiment observation and semi-structured interview. Thirteen participants were given two tasks each, and both quantitative and qualitative data was collected.

    The results present three main findings. First, search bias indeed exists in user’ searching processes. Users prefer using not more than two search engines, using similar keywords, opening those Web pages in the preceding rank and Wikipedia when assessing the relevance of Web pages for information-seeking tasks.

    Moreover, users are familiar with Google Autocomplete and usually adopt these keywords suggestions provided by Google Autocomplete when (1) these keywords meet their searching needs, (2) these keywords are special enough for them to check out, (3) they have no idea what keywords to enter themselves, and (4) these keywords are better than what they originally have.

    Last but not least, most of the users have their own searching strategies according to their frame towards a certain issue. However, after the exposure to the keywords suggestions, they are not only keen to change their keywords by adopting these suggestions but also associate two keywords listed in the same row and give them an specific interpretation in their own way.
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