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Title: | 神腦國際遊戲商品發展計畫 Gaming Business Development Program in Senao International Company |
Authors: | 林正剛 Lin, Ken |
Contributors: | 何小台 Ho, Chester S. 林正剛 Lin, Ken |
Keywords: | 遊戲商品發展 Gaming Business Development |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2014-01-02 14:01:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 神腦國際遊戲商品發展計畫 This business plan has been prepared to provide the reader with information about Senao International Co. Ltd, including company introduction and goals, business structure, industry trends, projected growth, resource requirements, assumption for investment return analysis.
Senao International Co. Ltd. is a Taiwanese company which contains over 550 retails stores, mainly focusing on telecommunication products, such as mobile phone, and related service for over 30 years. The company also plans to open another 100 stores in two years in Taiwan and tries to extend its products lines in the stores. It is currently the number one company in mobile phone industry in Taiwan.
Senao International Co. Ltd. has been recognizing digital convergence as its primary interest for its product line strength and future growth opportunity. The company has started to focus on the new product development for many years.
Gaming industry has been a huge boom during the past 10 years. It was well dominated by three companies- Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft. Since the emergence of Smartphones and Tablet PC in the market, 3G technology has been an important driving source for digital contents. As more and more consumers use their Smartphones and Tablet PC to play games, this is a danger sign for gaming industry.
While Microsoft is trying to utilize its strength in PC industry and is trying to combine them with gaming, Sony is releasing a product called Sony Playstation Vita, a next generation portable device embedded with 3G technology and future online-store for all mobile devices. Facing the convergence between content and internet and channel restructure, S company now has the opportunity to enter a new industry and create a new cash cow for its future.
Sony PSP (PlayStation Portable) was released in Taiwan in 2002 and sold over 3 million units per year during its 8 year span in Taiwan. Sony estimated that Sony PS Vita will also reach the same goal once it is released in the market. However, with a better 3G embedded products such as Smartphones and Tablet PCs in the market, S company estimates Game Consoles will face sales difficulty in the market and may only sell half of the estimated volumes in Taiwan.
Senao International Co. Ltd. accounts roughly 4% market share for the whole gaming industry in Taiwan. The total volumes sold also contribute only 2% of total sales revenue in Senao International Co. Ltd. Nonetheless, with 3G technology is converging with mobile devices, this is a great opportunity to create a huge buzz in the market. By importing new products and creating new business unit, Senao International Co. Ltd. estimates that it will be able to obtain about 40%market shares for Sony Play Station Vita. Further, combining Senao International Co. Ltd. strength for distribution and retail power, other companies such as Microsoft and Nintendo will also shift their business resources gradually to Senao International Co. Ltd. for further cooperation. If everything works as it plans, Senao International Co. Ltd. will get over 30% estimated total market shares in Taiwanese market in the next five years.
There are more questions that Senao International Co. Ltd. needs to consider before starting this project: how is the company building up its reputation in the market in such a short time? Is the current company and business structure fits the new strategy? How can the company differentiate and emphasize their strengths with their competitors? What kind of prices it needs to pay in order to become the top players in the market? And most importantly - Can it become an individual business unit and become a sustainable cash cow in the future? 1. Executive Summary 1
1.1. Mission 3
1.2. Company Management 3
1.3. Keys to Success 5
2. Product Overview 7
3. External Market Analysis 10
3.1. Taiwan Gaming Market 10
3.2. SWOT Analysis 11
3.3. Competitor Analysis 12
3.4. Market Segmentation 13
3.5. Target Audience 14
4. Price Strategy 16
5. Product Strategy 17
6. Promotion Strategy 19
7. Place / Channel Strategy 20
7.1. Distribution Strategy 21
8. Sales Objectives in the Next Three Years 23
9. Financial Strategy 24
References 28
Appendix 30 |
Reference: | 1. Official Web Portal, Seano International Co. Ltd. Retrieved in April, 2012, http://www.senao.com.tw/web/introduct_01.aspx
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16. Official Web Portal, 數位遊戲產業現況與分析, http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=6&ved=0CGIQFjAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Fproj3.moeaidb.gov.tw%2Fnmipo%2Fcontent%2FMTopResearch_getfile.aspx%3Fsn%3D620352E6DF284298B021E6ADD2AC36EE&ei=tOG-T9evPOaKmQWL_ai-Cg&usg=AFQjCNE7uA_8ufPNbkkreDNMQOdF_mJoiw&sig2=zzEznE09pIQp2kCnm4jcjQ |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營管理英語碩士學位學程(IMBA) 99933046 100 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099933046 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營管理英語碩士學程IMBA] 學位論文
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