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Title: | 女性老人志工的志願服務參與經驗-以台北市內湖區公所志工隊為例 The Voluntary Service Experience of Elderly Female Volunteers-A Case Study of Neihu District Office, Taipei City |
Authors: | 郭瑋芸 |
Contributors: | 呂寶靜 傅立葉 郭瑋芸 |
Keywords: | 老人 志工 志願服務 女性 女性志工 elderly volunteer voluntary service female female volunteer |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2014-01-02 13:30:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 志願服務成為一種趨勢,也是熱門的研究議題,而退休老人作為志工服務的人力提供者,是不可忽視的一股力量。近年來,老年志工議題越來越受重視,實際探究老人志工服務場域,關注到其中女性老人志工參與的特殊性。據此,本論文的研究目的在於:一、探討女性老人志工志願服務參與經驗;二、瞭解參與志願服務對於女性老人志工的影響和改變,以及女性老人志工對於擔任領導角色的經驗;三、提供志工人力資源管理者作為老年志工人力規劃之參考,並補充志願服務參與在女性志工經驗之特殊性。 本研究使用質性取向的研究方法,以台北市內湖區公所志工隊為研究對象,採用半結構式的深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,共計訪談八位年齡55歲以上的老年女性志工(包括曾任隊長等幹部職務者4名),主要的研究結果如下: 一、老年志工因為受到朋友的呼喚、對於服務他人的熱情而開始了服務生涯,在實質上的服務工作,則是因著服務機構的指派,提供不同的服務內容,並且隨時改變調整。 二、擔任志工後的改變,人力資本方面影響個人健康、知識技能的學習成長等;社會資本方面加深人際網絡擴展,增加社會接觸,改善人際關係;文化資本方面幫助瞭解志願服務的價值,肯定付出的力量;情感面上則影響個人擁有團隊歸屬感,及更積極、知足的生命態度。 三、女性老人志工認為幹部或領導角色必須擔負決策責任及團隊溝通橋樑,好的領導者懂得溝通和傾聽,處事圓滑,具責任感且願意付出,以及具備解決問題與發號施令的能力。這些特質能力與性別沒有直接關連,但男性的生命經驗可能較習慣扮演領導角色。 Voluntary has become a trend, also a hot research topic. Elderly retirees as volunteer service providers, is a force to be reckoned with. In recent years, elderly volunteers and related issues got more and more attention. While exploring the elderly volunteer service field, we see women have their specialty in the elderly volunteer area. Accordingly, the purposes of this study are as following: first, to explore the elderly female volunteers’ participation experience in voluntary service; second, learn the influences and changes to the elderly female volunteers after participating in volunteer service, as well as the experience of being in leadership roles; third, to provide volunteer human resource managers as a reference for the elderly volunteer manpower planning, and the particularity in women volunteers. This study employs qualitative research approach, and data collection is gotten from the volunteer team of Neihu District Office, Taipei City, including semi-structured in-depth interviews with eight aged 55 years or elderly female volunteers (including 4 former captains or cadre members). The study findings are listed below: First, the elderly volunteers start their services because of the calling from friends, and their passion of helping people. Service work they do was assigned and adjusted by the service organization. Second, the change after being volunteer includes, in human capital aspect, affects individual health and knowledge skill learning. In social capital aspect, expands interpersonal network and social contact. In culture capital aspect, helps to understand the value of volunteer service. Emotionally, affects individuals to have sense of belonging, and more positive attitude toward life contentment. Elderly female volunteers believe cadre members must take leadership role or decision-making responsibility. Good leaders know how to communicate with a sense of responsibility and willingness to pay, and have problem- solving abilities. Also they need to know how to give orders. These capabilities and qualities not directly related to gender, but men, according to their life experience, may be more familiar with playing a leading role. |
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