Abstract: | 本計畫初步將資料庫區分為傳播產業資料與研究文獻資料兩大類。在傳播產業方面,旨在建構各類媒體的生產與消費資料,以及傳播法律體系的資料;在研究文獻方面,主要在整理台灣出版的重要傳播研究與論述,再進一步擴張到以中文或外文發表與華人有關的傳播議題之研究著述。研究整合政治大學傳播學院三系所專業師資為主體,初期工作除了從文獻與產業兩方面,分別釐訂研究目標、步驟與進程,另外結合圖書資訊學的專才,以私下諮詢與專題講座方式,吸收資料庫的實作經驗與理論、一般知識系統組織的理論、及傳播知識架構的研究理論,以此作為本研究大方針的背景知識。研究將以文獻與產業兩組分頭進行,透過小組討論方式,找尋研究參考資訊及資料樣本,並配搭講座指導來修改研究的方案,同時也以訪談方式暸解使用者的需求,最後進行實地的資料探索、評估、與蒐集。強調以「作中學」的精神,使資料類目與樣本、知識組織與內容之間作循環的互動,形成工作網絡,作為研究資料庫建構的取徑。 As one of the most significant moving force, information is essential to social development, we therefore propose that data bank be set up to make information available in a systematic and democratic way. In contrast to advanced societies, where construction of databank is perceived as having vital significance, Taiwan, be it from the state or civil practices, it had rarely been emphasized. Only in recent days do we see a few efforts being made to promote such work, which, do receive some state assistance and support. However, this is data bank in general, when we come to evaluate data bank with specific reference to media and communication industries, some fatal weakness persist, namely, data that are mistaken, incomplete, and, dispersed. Utilities and will require cummulative human labour great in scale. Bearing this understanding in mind, this project aims at exploring efficacy, priority, and resources required should media databank be put into practice. In our design, there is to have two basic categoriesof databank, that of related research literature, and that of communication industries. With respect to communication industry data bank, it is further broken down to media production and consumption of various kinds. Materials related to policy, production, circulation, consumption,turnover, content, audience will be particularly attended.With respect to the literature, the focus will be on those work published in Taiwan and preparing media events in chronology. |