Abstract: | 中古時期,烏賊魚骨作為眼藥的成分使用,主要是在從《新修本草》、《食療本草》到《本草拾遺》這段時期,而該時期正是密教經典中的大型眼藥方被大量翻譯和中原與外來文化交流頻繁的時期。從追溯吐魯番出土殘片中的"沙摩路多"一詞的源頭開始,筆者不僅發現了烏賊魚骨在不同的語言中擁有相同的綽號"海之沫",而且由佛教醫學到生命吠陀,由西域到印度,由東及西,漸次擴展,追溯到了古希臘醫學。由此,得到的啟迪是,在東西方的古代世界中,藥物知識流動的盛況比從現有史料中所了解到的要豐富得多。 During early Tang period, cuttlefish was applied externally to eyes to treat many kinds of illness. As a component of eye medicines in Xinxiu Bencao, Shiliao Bencao and Bencao Shiyi, this new use of bone of cuttlefish was different from some records about it in pre-Tang medical works. The author of this paper thinks that ■a-mua-luo-ta-, name of a kind medicament in a prescription fragment from Turfan (Otani 4363), is possibly an abbreviated transliteration of original Sanskrit word Samudra-phena. According to the epithet "foam of sea" of Samudra-phena in Chinese Buddhist canon, the author has traced back to ancient Greek, Syrian, Persian and Arabic, Indian Buddhist and Ayurvedic medical works. In fact, the practical conditions of the transmission of medicine between ancient Euro-Asian world are more complex than ever we thought. |