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Title: | 新創事業掌握創業機會與調整營運模式之探索性研究 Seizing Entrepreneurial Opportunities and adapting Business Models of New Ventures: An Exploratory Research |
Authors: | 蘇惟宏 Su, Wei Hung |
Contributors: | 于卓民 溫肇東 蘇惟宏 Su, Wei Hung |
Keywords: | 營運模式 新創事業 獲利能耐 在地智慧 快速商品化 business model new ventures profitability capabilities local intelligence commercialization |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2013-12-03 13:20:39 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 網際網路(Internet)於1990年代中期蓬勃發展以來,營運模式(business model, BM)成為創投業者(venture capitalists, VCs)評估新興dotcom廠商能否在競爭中勝出的準則。從相關文獻指出,成功的營運模式不僅可形塑新產業,甚且重新分配新價值。因此,營運模式對廠商在市場的持續競爭力,求取生存與成長,具有重大的影響。
從個案研究發現與分析,廠商必須面對環境、技術及競爭者等不確定性因素,廠商的營運模式須從外部不確定性因素中,發現具有利基的創業機會,也就是:廠商須提出能夠打造具利基市場之定位與地位之「價值主張」,以及提供生存與成長的動能之「獲利能耐」。從本研究發現與分析萃取出4個營運模式要素,亦即:廠商必須能夠擁有與動員「關鍵資源與能力」;建立「網絡與平台分享機制」;注重能夠產生領導趨勢、深度體驗及高築障礙之「產品/服務之設計與品質」;充分發揮擴展共創雙贏之「在地智慧」。然而,營運模式在動態的環境中,並非一成不變,廠商必須持續透過「配適、校準、嘗試錯誤及快速商品化」之動態調整機制,才可讓營運模式具有與時俱進的持續競爭力。 In mid of 1990’s, the era of Internet booming, business models (BMs) had become the most important evaluation tools of venture capitalists to emerging dotcoms whether they can be successful competition from the market or not. From the literature review, it showed that the successful BM not only had reshaped the whole industry, but also had redistributed billions of dollars of value. For above reasons, BMs heavily influence to firms’ performance for getting survival and growth in competitive markets.
The competitive nature of markets presents a dynamic characteristic. Under this circumstance, this research tries to explore the architecture of BM that is with the adapting mechanisms to a dynamic and competitive market. The research employs case study methodology and conducts 6 new venture cases. The first research question is to explore new ventures how to seize entrepreneurial opportunities. It can be found out new ventures how to confront uncertainties including environments, technologies, and competitors, which construct antecedents of BMs. From research findings, there are two antecedents, one is value propositions which make firms to craft a special position in a niche market, and the other is profitability capabilities. The second research question is to explore new ventures how to build up BMs and adapt to the dynamic settings. Extracting of case studies findings, there are four elements, including key resources and capabilities, sharing mechanism in network and platform, design and quality in products/services, local intelligence. Also, from the research findings, there are four mechanisms of dynamic adaptation, including alignment, fit, trial and error, and commercialization.
In the dynamic markets, the optimal status to BMs is to adapt and renew automatically. On one hand, it makes firms to sense and seize opportunities which are coming from external uncertainties; on the other hand, firms have to keep their BMs on the right trajectory with mechanisms of dynamic adaptation. BMs with adapting mechanisms can make firms keep competitive advantages. "第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 5
第三節 研究範圍與研究流程 6
第四節 全文內容概述 8
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 營運模式相關文獻綜述 9
第二節 dotcom泡沫前的文獻–夢幻新世界的起滅 11
第三節 dotcom泡沫後的文獻–回歸崇本務實,以客為尊以利為主 14
第四節 現有營運模式文獻脈絡與發展 19
第五節 有關創業機會文獻探討 25
第六節 文獻探討小結 30
第三章 研究方法 33
第一節 研究設計的選擇 33
第二節 個案選取原則與資料蒐集 36
第四章 個案分析與研究發現 39
第一節 個案綜述 39
第二節 廠商掌握創業機會分析與研究發現 51
第三節 營運模式之要素分析與研究發現 80
第四節 營運模式之動態調整機制分析與研究發現 141
第五章 綜合分析與命題推導 160
第一節 新創事業掌握創業機會分析與命題推導 160
第二節 營運模式要素分析與命題推導 167
第三節 營運模式動態調整機制分析與命題推導 181
第四節 動態性結構與討論 190
第六章 結論與建議 195
第一節 結 論 195
第二節 管理意涵 199
第三節 研究貢獻、研究限制及後續研究建議 203
參考文獻 206 |
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