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Title: | 俄中末代帝國政權崩潰原因之比較 A Comparison of the Collapse of the Russian and Chinese Empires |
Authors: | 鄭皓元 Cheng, Hao Yuan |
Contributors: | 郭武平 鄭皓元 Cheng, Hao Yuan |
Keywords: | 俄羅斯帝國 中華帝國 政權崩潰 歷史比較分析 Russian Empire Chinese Empire collapse of the regime Historical Comparative Analysis |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2013-12-02 17:50:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 比較研究是當前區域研究的趨勢,本文探討俄羅斯帝國與中華帝國政權的崩潰原因,並針對崩潰原因做一比較。本文認為帝國崩潰是由於在位者人格特質和帝國面臨的內外因素所導致。關於人格特質,尼古拉二世和慈禧太后擁有不利於改革的性格,而光緒皇帝個性有助於改革但欠缺實權。內部因素方面,兩國政治都是中央集權官僚制,軍事實力皆不如西方國家,經濟都是以農業為主的大國,社會中上層階級擁有特權,廣大農民卻是貧窮且沒有地位。外部因素方面,俄羅斯和中國晚期都面臨多次的對外戰爭,每次戰爭皆是失敗結束,並且由於和外國接觸頻繁,兩國都自國外傳入新的思想,造成衝擊。而在內外因素的交互影響下,迫使帝國嘗試改革,但都未能成功,並造成人民群起反抗,導致帝國滅亡。 Comparative study is the current trend in regional studies. The article discusses and compares the reasons of the collapse of the Russian and Chinese empires. It is believed that reason why the empires collapsed were due to the incumbents` personalities and the empires` internal and external factors. About the personalities, Nicholas II and Empress Dowager Cixi`s characters were not conducted to reform. Emperor Guangxu`s personality was conducted to reform, yet he lacked any real power to enact policies. As for the internal factors, these two empires were very similar in the fact that they had a centralized bureaucracy, their military strength was not up to par with Western countries, agriculture dominates the economy, and both had a wide gap between income between the upper and lower classes. For the external factors, both Russian and Chinese Empires had to deal with foreign wars in the late imperial era with devastating results as these wars were lost. In addition, the empires were frequently contacted by other foreign countries which led to the exchange of new ideas and ideologies which further influenced the population. The combination of both these certain internal and external factors eventually pushed the empires to attempt to reform, however these reforms were largely unsuccessful and caused their people to revolt eventually both empires collapsed. |
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