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Title: | 臺北市幼兒學習環境與幼兒社會遊戲行為之研究 A study of early childhood learning environment and impact on children’s social play behavior of preschools in Taipei City |
Authors: | 黃惠雯 Huang, Hui Wen |
Contributors: | 湯志民 Tang, Chih Min 黃惠雯 Huang, Hui Wen |
Keywords: | 幼兒學習環境 空間環境 時間環境 幼兒社會遊戲行為 early childhood learning environment space and furnishings program schedule children’s social play behavior |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-11-01 11:47:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨幼兒教育愈來愈受國民之重視,幼兒教育亦展現一種專業表現及重視及提升幼兒教育的品質。研究者希冀本研究能從環境中觀察幼教工作者投入的程度和幼兒學習環境運作的情形,了解及其對幼兒在成長與學習的歷程中與他人及社會所建構關係中分析其意涵。從生活在該環境中的幼兒遊戲之間的行為及互動學習更多的價值與意義。 本研究抽樣臺北市六所公立國小附幼及六間私立幼兒園,進入幼兒園現場觀察幼兒學習環境以及幼兒社會遊戲行為。並於資料收集後以SPSS(20版)統計軟體進行資料分析,透過平均數、標準差等描述性統計方法呈現幼兒園環境與幼兒社會行為狀況;接著以幼兒園背景變項及學習環境(空間環境、時間環境)為自變項、幼兒社會行為為依變項,進行相關係數分析、t檢定及ANOVA等統計方法,探究幼兒園環境對幼兒社會遊戲行為的影響及差異情形。 主要研究結論與發現如下: 一、 幼兒園背景變項與幼兒學習環境統計無顯著相關與差異;幼兒園在幼兒學習環境有共同問題。空間環境:(1)空間不足且空間規劃待加強;(2)戶外遊戲場不良配置與設計;(3)戶外遊具設施缺乏多樣化、挑戰性不足與安全問題。時間環境:(1)教師主導性的活動時間比例高於幼兒自發性活動的時間比例;(2)偏重室內忽略室外的活動時間與活動型態。 二、 幼兒社會遊戲行為與幼兒學習環境相關程度以空間環境高於時間環境;時間環境-「時間規劃」與「自由遊戲」的規劃與安排亦有影響。 三、 室內、室外遊戲幼兒社會遊戲行為在不同環境中表現皆以互動遊戲為主,室外環境比室內環境更容易有互動的遊戲。 四、 主要影響幼兒社會遊戲之環境因素有:空間安排、遊戲媒材以及自由遊戲時間。 最後針對本研究結果,提出研究結論,並對幼兒園實務面及未來研究提出具提出相關建議,希冀對幼教實務現場及未來研究有所貢獻。 一、 室內空間規劃應重視角落規劃,搭配《幼兒園課程與教學品質評估表》之使用。 二、 豐富多樣化遊戲設備與媒材,藉以鼓勵幼兒遊戲自發性。 三、 豐富且考量安全性的戶外遊戲場設計與規劃。 四、 「結合」性的遊具設施,提供多樣化的遊戲經驗 五、 平衡幼兒園作息與課程安排結構。 六、 兼重室內及室外自由活動、遊戲時間。 This study addresses whether the early learning environment influence on children’s social play behavior. The purposes of this study were to realize: (a) the current status and the problems of early learning environment and children’s social play behavior; (b) explore the early learning environment and the impact on children’s social play behavior. To accomplish these purpose, the major method of this study used space and furnishings and program structure, the two subscales of Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale- Revised Edition (ECERS-R) to observe and value early childhood environment and non-random time sampling observe children social play behavior the participants from 6 public and 6 private preschools in Taipei City. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient, t-test and ANOVA. The main results were summarized as follows: 1. There are no significant correlation and difference between background of preschools and the learning environment; furthermore, there are problems in common of the space and furnishings and program structure : (a) indoor space, spatial and outdoor playground which planning and design ought be strengthened; (b) outdoor playground equipment is short of diversification, challenge and safety issues; (c) teachers dominant higher the proportion of activity time than children. 2. Children`s social behavior higher relevance to space and furnishings environment, nevertheless program structure influence on children’s social play behavior, especially schedule and free play. 3. Interactive play of children’s social play behavior is largely in indoor space and most in outdoor playground, but teachers ignored the outdoor free play in practice generally. 4. There are four factors affect children’s social play behaviors: (a) spatial planning; (b) spatial density; (c) indoor and outdoor playground facilities and equipment (d) indoor and outdoor free play. Finally, based on the results of the study, researcher proposes some suggestions for practice in preschools and contribute to the further research in Taiwan. Key words: early childhood learning environment, space and furnishings, program schedule, children’s social play behavior |
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