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Title: | 2008年二次政黨輪替後之兩岸空運直航:問題與前景 Cross-Strait Direct Air Transportation after Second Transfer of Power in 2008: Problem and Prospect |
Authors: | 王靜惠 Wang, Ching Hui |
Contributors: | 袁易 Yuan, I 王靜惠 Wang, Ching Hui |
Keywords: | 三通 兩岸包機 兩岸空運直航 Three Links Cross-Strait Charter Flights Cross-Strait Air Transportation |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-11-01 11:38:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | Taiwan successfully accomplished the second transfer of power in May 2008. During the presidential campaign period, one could easily discover that issues with respect to cross-strait relations always occupied the center of the attention both at home and abroad. The biggest difference on the issues of cross-strait policy between the two competing parties was regarded as conservativeness and openness.
Among major proposals presented by the Kuomintang (KMT) during the campaign in 2008, the key incentive and quickest way to improve and rejuvenate Taiwan’s sluggish economy was to introduce cross-strait direct charter flights and encourage Mainland tourists to visit Taiwan. As of July 2013, there are 616 direct passenger flights flying to and from Mainland China on a weekly basis and over seven million Mainland tourists have visited Taiwan.
This thesis utilized Secondary Data Analysis to investigate the negotiation process and developments of the cross-strait direct air transportation. This thesis does not aim at evaluating the comprehensive impacts of the full implementation of cross-strait direct air transportation; instead, it emphasizes the political view, policy-making considerations, and the negotiation process made by Taiwan’s ruling parties at different eras and interactions with their Mainland counterparts in an effort to offer productive recommendations for the competent authorities across the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan successfully accomplished the second transfer of power in May 2008. During the presidential campaign period, one could easily discover that issues with respect to cross-strait relations always occupied the center of the attention both at home and abroad. The biggest difference on the issues of cross-strait policy between the two competing parties was regarded as conservativeness and openness.
Among major proposals presented by the Kuomintang (KMT) during the campaign in 2008, the key incentive and quickest way to improve and rejuvenate Taiwan’s sluggish economy was to introduce cross-strait direct charter flights and encourage Mainland tourists to visit Taiwan. As of July 2013, there are 616 direct passenger flights flying to and from Mainland China on a weekly basis and over seven million Mainland tourists have visited Taiwan.
This thesis utilized Secondary Data Analysis to investigate the negotiation process and developments of the cross-strait direct air transportation. This thesis does not aim at evaluating the comprehensive impacts of the full implementation of cross-strait direct air transportation; instead, it emphasizes the political view, policy-making considerations, and the negotiation process made by Taiwan’s ruling parties at different eras and interactions with their Mainland counterparts in an effort to offer productive recommendations for the competent authorities across the Taiwan Strait. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS) 95925023 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095925023 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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