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    Title: 美國安全戰略在太平洋地區:日本和菲律賓
    U.S. Security Strategy in the Pacific: Japan and the Philippines
    Authors: 杜安卓
    Andrew DuBois
    Contributors: 黃奎博
    Huang, Kwei Bo
    Andrew DuBois
    Keywords: 美國戰略
    United States Strategy
    Asia-Pacific Region
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-11-01 11:36:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 儘管美國與日本、菲律賓採用同類型的安全保證架構,為了保衛其於亞洲的國家利益,美國在與日本及菲律賓的安全保證之中,卻採用了同樣低調但有差異性的政策。為了更瞭解美國這樣的政策結果,本論文首先定義了美國是用什麼樣的架構,來看待對日、菲兩國的安全保證:(1)美國的利益(維護領土安全、經濟安全,促進民主;(2)美國實行政策的機會(單邊、雙邊或者多邊)。其次,本文針對選定的領域,深入比較兩國與美國關係中的不同因素,以及不同因素中的相異程度(例如軍售及軍事基地等議題),來建立出兩國對美關係的差異性,以及兩者間相異的程度。最後,日、菲兩國各自都與中國有著同樣類型的邊界爭端,但美國對這兩爭端的回應卻有所差異,本文也針對此部分進行研究。從研究結果來看,在每一個議題上,美國都很明顯地以維護其於亞洲的利益為由,而把日本看得比菲律賓來的重要;因此,美國對日本的依賴,使得美國無法與日本保持距離。
    Despite employing similar frameworks, the United States maintains a subdued yet differentiated security commitment with both Japan and the Philippines in order to more effectively defend its interests in Asia. So as to better understand this apparent divergence of commitment between mutual defense partners and the consequences of these discernibly distinct policies, this thesis consists of a comparative study focused on U.S. interactions in both countries. The study begins by defining the framework through which the United States views its commitments to both partners: 1) its interests (physical security, economic security and democracy promotion) and then 2) its opportunities of how to implement policy (unilateral, bilateral and multilateral). Afterwards, both partner countries are compared in-depth in a few selected areas in order to first establish the existence of a disparity (by comparing unique factors in each relationship with the United States) and then to understand the degree of the divergence (by comparing common factors to both relationships in areas such as arms sales and military basing). Finally, each country’s similar border dispute with China, and the United States’ varying response to them, is examined. Once completed, it becomes very apparent that in nearly all areas the United States prefers, and depends on, Japan over the Philippines for protecting its Asian interests. Consequently, this larger dependence places greater limits on the United States’ ability to effectively distance itself from Japan over tangential interests.
    Reference: BIBLIOGRAPHY

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