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    Title: 國光石化開發案中止之探討: 政策終結的觀點
    The Study on Discontinuation about Kuokuang Petrochemical Project:A Policy Termination Approach
    Authors: 謝宗翰
    Hsieh, Chung Han
    Contributors: 顏良恭
    Yen, Liang Kung
    Hsieh, Chung Han
    Keywords: 政策終結
    policy termination
    Kuokuang petrochemical project
    environment protection
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-10-01 15:41:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以Kirkpatrick等人提出的「公共財的終結過程模式」,結合Geva-May的「終結策略」為研究架構,分析國光石化彰化開發案的停建過程。透過文獻分析和人物訪談,逐步找出停建過程中,遭遇到哪些抗拒因素而妨礙停建的進行,決策者又運用什麼策略來化解抗拒因素以達到停建目的。停建原因部分,興建理由先受到部分人士質疑,預期效益存在性降低,設廠的價值改變了,在少數環保團體的強力運作下,彰化案的公共能見度提高了,吸引更多有力人士加入終結聯盟,再透過媒體持續報導提高能見度,又再度強化終結聯盟和社會主流意識形態,形成巨大民意壓力,構成執政黨政治危機,迫使決策者改變政策方向為停建,改以其他變化的政策計畫滿足原先希望達成的政策目的。本案並未動工興建,並無明顯因素抵擋終結發生,但本案是受社會倡議影響而被動終結,政府的心理抗拒比重較大,惟決策者最終採取終結方案,可解釋為目的是解決政治危機,只是此方法多了順應民意的「包裝」,政治誘因的缺乏不再是終結限制,質變後的「政治誘因」反而是馬總統宣布本案停建的推手。馬總統做為決策者,在宣布停建前就放出政策可能改變的風向球,展現誠懇謙卑態度迎合民意,親自召開記者會宣布停建,保證補償措施避免反動,隨後的大城振興方案和國光至大馬投資計畫,都屬於終結策略安排的一環。
    Based on the Kirkpatrick’s model and Geva-May’s theory, the study constructed a new model to analyze the discontinuation of Kuokuang petrochemical project and explain the relationships among the reasons, the constraints and the strategy of policy termination in this case.
    Some people questioned the expected benefits about Kuokuang petrochemical project in Changhua(彰化), then the media visibility increased under the powerful environmental groups’ operation. More and more people joined the terminal alliance to end the project. The mainstream ideology in society formed a huge pressure to government. President Ma faced the political crisis, so he changed the decision from constructing to discontinuation in the end. Actually, the construction of Kuokuang petrochemical project in Changhua did not begin at all, so there were no obvious constraints to resist discontinuation, except intellectual reluctance and lack of political incentive. Both of them were intellectual factors, because discontinuation was not the result what government wanted to do. Taking discontinuation meant the construction was a failure decision. President Ma, as a decision maker, released the trial balloon about the policy may change before announcing discontinuation. At the press conference, he showed humility and sincere attitude to answer mainstream ideology and convince vested interest groups. The Dacheng(大城) economic power-up plan and Malaysia investment for Kuokuang company were termination strategies what President Ma used in this case.
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