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    政大機構典藏 > 教育學院 > 教育學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/61210
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    Title: 大學生合作學習歷程中團隊創意氛圍發展之個案研究
    A Case Study of the Cooperative Learning Process of the Team’s Creative Climate Development
    Authors: 林曉涵
    Contributors: 邱美秀
    Keywords: 大學生
    college students
    cooperative learning
    creative climate
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2013-10-01 13:57:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討與了解透過合作學習歷程中團隊所知覺之創意氛圍情形,研究對象為某國立大學修習「合作學習」課程之大學生(N=36),其中包含透過課程中合作學習法的理論認識,與教師的課程設計,實際進行團隊合作學習,並實踐合作學習之理論,學生透過每一週的課程,進行充足的團體討論。本研究將以個案研究的方式,並透過量化與質性資料的收集與分析,探究大學生合作學習歷程中團隊創意氛圍之情形。主要研究結果發現包括:一、創意氛圍表現相異的團體,其合作學習歷程也具有歧異性;二、影響團隊創意氛圍之因素具有階段性;三、「合作學習課程」對於團隊合作歷程造成影響。本研究根據研究結果,提出對未來教育和未來研究的建議,以作為未來相關領域的參考。
    The purpose of this study was explore the cooperative learning process of the team’s creative climate development. Participants were 36 (N=36) college students who took a national university course about cooperative learning. It is comprised of the schedule of cooperative learning method in the curriculum, teachers’ curriculum design, practical group cooperative learning and practical theory of cooperative learning. Moreover, the students can have a lot of group discussion time in every class. Based on case study, this study explores the situation of group creative climate in the process of college students’ cooperative learning by collecting and analyzing the quantitative and qualitative data. The major research findings include: 1. The groups with different creative climate are also different in their cooperative processes. 2. The factors affecting the group creative climate are different in every stage. 3. The cooperative learning course has influence on the group cooperative process. Based on these research results, this study makes some suggestions on the future education and researches for the reference of related fields in the future.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099152013
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[教育學系] 學位論文

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