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    Title: 產業地域演化與路徑依賴 -以臺北科技走廊為例
    The evolution of industrial district and path dependency – The Case of Taipei Technology Corridor
    Authors: 廖皇傑
    Liao, Huang Chieh
    Contributors: 邊泰明
    Ben, Tai Ming
    Liao, Huang Chieh
    Keywords: 產業地域演化
    industrial district evolution
    path dependency
    location window of opportunity
    evolutionary economic geography
    institutional change
    market rent
    occasional cluster
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-10-01 11:50:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要論證臺北市產業地域演化過程中制度空間的角色與轉化以及制度變遷過程中路徑依賴的慣性與區位機會之窗,並探討路徑創造可能性。從演化經濟地理角度詮釋臺北科技走廊內政府制度變遷與市場尋租的拉扯力量,得到不同經濟地景與演化過程,南港軟體工業園區與生技產業群聚的空間聚集模式、內湖科技園區與企業總部群聚的空間外溢演化模式以及開發中的北投士林科技園區與規劃性群聚,各為階段性不同力量的路徑依賴或路徑創造過程代表結果及解釋。此外,產業的跨域(界)發展網絡並無行政界線之人為線,本研究以政府強制性制度變遷與偶發的市場尋租行為引導開啟之生技產業、企業總部與展覽產業,對照製藥產業網絡技術知識能量與跨區域合作關係、企業集團不同發展階段的企業價值活動區位選擇,以及廠商認知梳理展覽產業參展行為與網絡關係,探究產業網絡特徵。最後,仍圍繞在鄰近性觀點的多樣化以及全球或跨地域連結模式的創新空間範疇,接合區域創新系統與三螺旋創新模式之產官學互動、全球生產網絡之跨國公司(企業集團)領導創新以及產業群聚之面對面接觸分享內隱知識創新之空間發展模式,探究臺北科技走廊內產業地域發展創新空間的可能。
    This study demonstrated Taipei industrial district evolution and transformation of the role of institutional space and path-dependent process of institutional change inertia and location window of opportunity, and to explore the possibility of creating the path. From the perspective of evolutionary economic geography interpretation Taipei Technology Corridor institutional change within the government and the market rent of the pulling force, obtained with different economic landscape evolution, Nankang Software Park and the biotech industry clustering spatial aggregation model, Neihu Technology Park and spatial spillover corporate headquarters cluster evolution model and the development of Beitou Shilin Technology Park and Planning of clusters, each stage of the path dependence of different strength or path represents the results and interpretation of the path creative process. In addition, the industry`s trans-border development of the network has no administrative boundaries of the human line, this study mandatory government institutional changes and occasional open market rent-seeking behavior guidance of the biotech industry, business group (corporate headquarters) and exhibition industry, through pharmaceutical industry network technology knowledge and inter-regional cooperation, business group different stages of development activity location choice, as well as combing the exhibition industry vendors exhibiting cognitive behavior and network relationships, explore the industrial network characteristics. Finally, around the diversity of perspectives and global or transregional link model of innovation space, joining regional innovation systems and triple helix model of innovation interactive industry, government, global production network of multinational companies (conglomerates) Leading Innovation face to face contact and sharing of industry cluster knowledge innovation implicit spatial development patterns, explore Taipei Technology Corridor territorial development within the industry innovation space possible.
    Industrial district in the evolution of a path-dependent process, path dependence not only production space and place affect path-dependent process. Although in recent years there is a growing relative to the path dependence theory discussed by industrial district development discourse, but still small industrial area empirical research addressing the role of local institutional space. This study is important because increased government evolutionary path by changes in the system will be the government`s role in the industrial development area made more clear positioning, breaking the general path dependence discussed, and rent-seeking behavior by the market because of different local government governance requirements to produce trans-border path-dependent evolution and sporadic outbreaks, the window of opportunity open location, and different evolutionary paths generate interactive path for administrative consistency with which there is a system of convergence. But is theoretically studied industrial clusters and industrial areas are used as a unit of administrative boundaries, especially the infrequent events and path-dependent two research approaches, on the same space has turned into the same category to view evolutionary tracks, it is very artificial administrative boundaries and can not reflect the true, all fall into the field of space research industry lost, as hard to obtain clustering relationships used to use government statistics, with the administrative boundaries as a unit, and it fell down, it is the result of economic development, especially in the smaller counties and cities in Taiwan.
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