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Title: | 中國幣制改革國際因素之探討(1934-1936) International Factors in Chinese Currency Reform, form 1934 to 1936 |
Authors: | 許哲瑋 |
Contributors: | 唐啟華 許哲瑋 |
Keywords: | 陳光甫 中美白銀協定 法幣 白銀外交 |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-10-01 11:48:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文之目的,不是盡然討論幣制問題而是從幣制改革中窺探1930年代中期,美英日三國在遠東的競逐。進而透過文獻的整理,釐清中國與美國之間的微妙關係。文獻指出,1934年美國白銀法案的通過,使得中國1931年以來的經濟不景氣更為嚴重。由於銀價的高漲,不僅造成中國白銀外流,因為銀元升值使得國內物價緊縮、對外出口萎縮。然而白銀購買政策,讓中美之間交易白銀,因此給予中國機會,解決尾大不掉的銀本位制度,改以「法幣」為財政與貨幣問題解套。
就外交路線論,雖然日美英三國都有機會加強對中國經濟影響程度,最後卻只有美國得利。美國購銀政策與《中美白銀協定》的簽訂,讓中國政府集中保存的白銀得以換取美元外匯與物資。而也從此刻開始,在財政與貨幣政策上必須仰賴美援,成為日後國共戰爭失利的遠因。 This research is proposed to realize the relations between China Currency Reform and the reacts form the Powers in 1930s. So it should be considered as diplomatic history. Based on the archives in Hoover Institute and the secondary resource, I try to make it clear how the international factors worked in this period.
In 1930s, all the western countries just recovered from the shadow of depression. But China is facing their depression. According the result of secondary researches, we know that Chinese had a hard time form 1931 to 1935. And the U.S. government enforced the Silver Act in 1934, striking down the situation of China. That made Chinese government to abandon Silver Standard.
To issue new tenders is not an easy task to China. Silver was used monetary in China since 16th century. Also, Chinese National Government had financial crisis. They need foreign loan to support their plan. British, Japanese and American governments were the three Powers who could give a hand. But still, there were some interest concerning among them. Either one should take steps very carefully.
British government was the first one, trying to assist china to pass the hard time. Her government sent Leith-Ross to Far East for seeking the chance to stabilize the situation in China. And he hoped Japan government to participate loan project. But, November 4 in 1935, Chinese governments announced “Legal Tender Policy”, and asked all the banks to turn over their reserve of silver. In Japanese view, it would be encouraged by British government. The plan was over. American government took this opportunity to make a silver deal with China. American government offered dollars as reserve of legal tender. China sold their silver to exchange dollars and other military resources. This agreement put the Sino-American relation more closely than before. |
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