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    政大機構典藏 > 法學院 > 法律學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/61161
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    Title: 探討《安寧緩和醫療條例》中親屬決定權之法律與倫理問題─以無意識能力成年末期病人為中心
    A Study on Legal and Ethical Issues of Family Decision-Making in Hospice and Palliative Care Act: Focusing on Unconscious Terminally Ill Adults
    Authors: 陳惠祺
    Chen, Hui Chi
    Contributors: 劉宏恩
    Liu, Hung En
    Chen, Hui Chi
    Keywords: 無意識能力末期病人
    unconscious terminally ill adults
    family decision-making
    patient autonomy
    the right to life
    human dignity
    patient best interest
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2013-10-01 11:44:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣《安寧緩和醫療條例》從民國89 年制定,迄今已十餘來年,歷經三次
    Taiwan’s Hospice and Palliative Care Act, approved in 2000, has been amended three times over the past decade. However, the act can do little but mechanically
    regulate the priority and procedures of family decision-making, without mentioning any criteria or determinants in terms of terminally ill and unconscious patients’ family
    decision to withhold or withdraw the cardiopulmonary resuscitation or life sustaining medical treatment. Thanks to such legal inattention, terminally ill and unconscious
    adults’ family members may ignore the patients’ “unwillingness” to withhold or withdraw cardiopulmonary resuscitation or life sustaining medical treatment. In these cases, terminally ill and unconscious adults are insulted in a sense, suffering and dying without dignity. In responses to the contexts of Taiwan’s current Hospice and Palliative Care Act mentioned above, this thesis aims to explore the issues and problems of family decision-making implied in that act in the following four
    aspects—medical ethics, protection of fundamental human rights, international trends and Taiwan’s unique contexts. In sum, this paper adopts the method of legal comparative analysis and concludes that the main problem in Taiwan’s case is the lack of legal foundation of patient’s best interest or welfare that the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany have been developing for a long time. It is these jurisprudential concerns that enable patients’ family members, physicians, and even the courts to acquire a more comprehensive understanding of patients’ wishes and
    situation. In addition, a substantial legal ground can also facilitate the court system to resolve disputes and protect terminally ill and unconscious adults’ rights of autonomy,
    life, and human dignity.
    Reference: 一、中文


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    3. 救病人的命,還是的心?無效醫療 排擠其他生機,聯合報,A8版,2011年11月23日。
    4. 醫師:台灣醫療人權邁進一大步,聯合報,A6,2012年12月11日。
    5. 機器人奶奶哪時能解脫,聯合報,A9,2012年12月22日。
    6. 現行條件嚴 拔管困難重重,中國時報生,A6,2012年12月22日。


    1. 行政院衛生署一○○年三月二十五日衛署健保字第一○○二六六○○六七號令訂定修正。
    2. 立法院公報,第100 卷,第11 期,委員會紀錄,頁255,2001年1月3日。
    3. 院總第1780號,立法院第7屆第5會期第1次會議議案關係文書,頁96-97,2010年2月11日。
    4. 立法院公報,第100卷,第11期,委員會紀錄,頁247,2011年1月10日。
    5. 立法院公報,第101卷,第74期,院會紀錄,頁239,2012年12月6日。
    6. 立法院公報,第102卷, 第1期,委員會紀錄,頁1638-1639,2012年12月10日。


    1. 〈生命末期病人臨終照護意願徵詢作業指引〉:http://www.doh.gov.tw/CHT2006/DM/DM2_p01.aspx?class_no=24&now_fod_list_no=4072&level_no=1&doc_no=49963
    2. 〈全民健康保險安寧共同照護試辦方案〉:http://www.nhitb.gov.tw/webdata/webdata.aspx?menu=8&menu_id=498&WD_ID=498&webdata_id=3803
    3. British Medical Association, Withholding and Withdrawing Life-prolonging Medical Treatment 51-62 (2007); Mental Capacity Act 2005, 取自:http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2005/9/contents
    4. Heath care decisions for adults without decision-making capacity, California Law Revision Commission.取自: http://www.clrc.ca.gov/L4000.html
    5. 德國民法典(英文版):http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_bgb/englisch_bgb.html#p6276
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0986510561
    Data Type: thesis
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