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    Title: 台灣與中國雙邊貿易之決定因素
    Determinants of bilateral trade across the Taiwan straits
    Authors: 林冠丞
    Lin, Kuan Cheng
    Contributors: 陳坤銘

    Chen, Kun Ming
    Rau, Hsiu Hua

    Lin, Kuan Cheng
    Keywords: 兩岸貿易
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-05 16:53:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文之目的在於分析台灣與中國雙邊貿易之主要決定因素,並深入探討造成台灣對中國長期出現大量順差的主要原因。本文之實證模型與過去文獻主要差異在於分別就進出口供給與需求建立聯立方程式,推導成縮減式,分析進出口供需的相互影響。在台灣出口供給方面,本文考慮了國內投入、進口中間投入、台灣外人直接投資(FDI)及研發創新等因素。在台灣進口需求方面,除了考慮實質所得、雙邊匯率,本文也考慮了第三國匯率及雙向FDI之影響。
    The objective of this study is to analyze the main determinants of bilateral trade across the Taiwan Straits with a view toward exploring the causes of the Taiwan’s persistent large trade surplus with China. Our empirical model differs from most previous studies in the following aspects: we construct a system of equations to examine the demand-supply relationship ; on the supply side, the effects of inward FDI, the cost of intermediate imports on Taiwan’s production and R&D innovation are considered ; on the demand side, in additional to bilateral real exchange rates and real income, this paper also considers the indirect effects of exchange rate of third countries and bilateral FDI.

    The data covering January, 1996 to December, 2009 are used in our empirical analysis. The empirical evidence indicates that the bilateral real income, Taiwan’s real direct investment to China and R&D innovation have positive effects on Taiwan’s exports towards and imports from China, however, the inward FDI to Taiwan presents negative effects. As for real exchange rate, it appears that Taiwan’s export to China would increase along with the real depreciation of the NTD against the RMB. In addition, the rising relative price of the third country against the price of China would result in a negative effect of Taiwan’s export to China, representing that the goods of Taiwan and the third country are complements.

    On the other hand, Taiwan’s import from China would decrease along with the real depreciation of the NTD against the RMB. In addition, the rising relative price of the third country against the price of Taiwan would bring about a positive effect of Taiwan’s import from China. This reveals that the goods of China and the third country are substitutes. Moreover, a negative effect on the import of Taiwan from China appears when the cost of intermediate imports of Taiwan increases.

    In sum, this study illustrates that, in addition to real income and bilateral exchange rates, the exchange rates of third countries, FDI inflows and outflows and innovation have also played an important role in determining bilateral trade across the Taiwan Straits. It will help understand the driving forces behind Taiwan’s persistent trade surplus against China.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0973510231
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