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    Title: 店頭衍生性商品交易集中結算之研究─以美國2010金融改革法案為中心
    A study on the central clearing of over-the-counter derivatives –emphasis on the U.S. financial reform act 2010
    Authors: 鄭琇霙
    Contributors: 楊光華
    Keywords: 店頭衍生性交易
    OTC Derivatives
    Central Clearing
    Dodd-Frank Act
    Central Clearing Exemptions
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-05 16:49:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 原為避險目的而生之衍生性商品,因為金融創新,不僅交易規模擴大,交易對象也變得多元,甚至進一步成為部分投機者賺取高報酬之工具。依統計資料,透過店頭市場交易之衍生性商品,其名目價值遠高於在集中市場交易者,然店頭市場交易係由雙方自行協商交易條件,在欠缺相關揭露要求之情況下,市場透明度低,且欠缺有力之違約風險控管機制,兼之此市場中參與者間之高度關聯性,使得一旦有違約情況發生,影響層面往往波及當事人以外之眾多對象。
    Because of financial innovation, the trading volume of derivatives increases and the market participants get varied. Derivatives, that were developed to hedge or mitigate risk, become one of the tools to speculate. According to statistics, the total nominal value of derivatives traded in the over-the-counter (OTC) market is much higher than that traded in the exchange. Because of the low market transparency, the lack of powerful risk mitigating mechanism and the high correlation among major market participants, default of one counterparty may cause systemic risk.
    After the global financial market meltdown in 2008, countries devoted attention to the causes of the financial crisis, especially to the OTC derivatives. To reduce the risk identified in the OTC derivatives market, trading on the exchange or electronic trading platform, central clearing and information disclosure are some measures to be implemented. The Dodd-Frank Act was the earliest reform act passed by the U.S. among these countries. Although central clearing is the major component of the act, there are also several exemptions of it. For example, non-standard derivatives, foreign exchange swaps, foreign exchange forwards and derivatives traded by end-user are exempted from central clearing requirement.
    To be central cleared, the OTC derivatives must be standardized and with certain liquidity. Once central cleared, companies would be unable to use customized derivatives to mitigate commercial risk and the cost of hedge would probability increases. These are some reasons mentioned to support the central clearing exemption. However, the existence of these exemptions may become the inherent loopholes of the act. This article would first introduce the central clearing exemptions and evaluate the possible effect these exemptions might cause.
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