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Title: | 台灣上市上櫃公司發行可轉換債券之存活分析研究 Survival analysis for convertible bonds of listed companies in Taiwan |
Authors: | 戴誠蔚 |
Contributors: | 陳麗霞 戴誠蔚 |
Keywords: | 可轉換公司債 存活分析 Cox模式 再發事件 分層模式 convertible bonds survival analysis Cox model recurrent events stratified model |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-05 15:13:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 可轉換公司債為複合式證券,除了具有債券性質外,並給予持有者於債券流通期間內行使轉換為股票之權利。以存活分析方法探討可轉債之研究尚屬少見,本論文乃以台灣上市櫃公司發行之5年期可轉債為研究資料,先整理出與公司經營有關的變數,再分別以Cox模式與再發事件之兩種邊際模型(marginal model):A-G (Anderson-Gill) 模式、PWP-TT (Prentice-Williams-Petersen)模式為研究分析方法,探討可轉債之流通時間及大量交易時間的問題。本論文並將可轉債分類為債券類型、混合類型和權益類型,且由於不同類型可轉債之流通時間有所差異,因此以其為分層條件加入模式中進行分析。研究結果發現,資產總額、總負債率、TCRI評等及董監持股率等變數,具有顯著解釋可轉債流通時間的能力,可見公司財務負債狀況與穩定性與流通期間有關;而最高差價(當月最高股價與轉換價之相對差價)、長期負債率、總負債率及股價報酬率等變數,則可顯著解釋大量交易的發生時間,表示公司財務負債狀況與股價利潤差與大量交易發生之快慢有關,其中資產總額、最高差價、TCRI評等及股價報酬率之係數均顯著為正,長期負債率、總負債率及董監持股率之係數則顯著為負。由於平均表現之存活曲線與經驗存活曲線相當接近,以Kolmogorov-Smirnov檢定多無顯著差異,顯示這些模式有不錯的配適能力;至於對個別公司估計出之存活曲線,則或有與經驗存活曲線相差較多的現象,顯示所建立的模式可對個別公司提供可轉債即將結束流通或發生大量交易之預警。 Convertible bonds are hybrid securities that possess the properties of bonds and the right to convert bonds into shocks. Few articles employed survival analysis to analyze the characteristics of convertible bonds. To investigate the effects of the issuer’s financial information to the duration of circulation and the timing of the massive trading about convertible bonds, Taiwan’s 5-year convertible bonds were collected, and three methods of survival analysis were employed:Cox model、A-G (Anderson-Gill) model and PWP-TT(Prentice-Williams-Petersen) model. We classified convertible bonds as debt-like, equity-like, and hedge-like, and then make the classification as a stratification condition later. In summary, total Assets, total debt ratio, TCRI, and the proportion of holding share in supervisors and directors are significant variables on circulation period of convertible bonds. Apparently, the extent of debt and financial stability of issuers have significant effects on circulation period; the difference between stock price and conversion price, long-term debt ratio, total debt ratio and stock return rate contribute significantly on the timing of massive trading of convertible bonds. While the extent of debt and the return of stock hasten the hazard of the timing of massive trading. Furthermore, there are no significant differences between the survival curves evaluated at the average performance levels and the corresponding empirical survival curves, according to the results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. However, the differences between individual survival probabilities and overall empirical survival probabilities might be large, which indicates that the models incorporate companies’ performance overtime may provide a warning message for the termination of circulation or the timing of massive trading for a particular convertible bond. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 統計研究所 98354019 99 |
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