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    Title: 影響企業於中國建構醫藥品通路的因素分析─台商未來的因應之道
    An analysis on pharmaceutical industry’s channel strategy in China ─ suggestions for Taiwan’S enterprises
    Authors: 黃淑媛
    Huang, Shu Yuan
    Contributors: 劉江彬

    Huang, Shu Yuan
    Keywords: 中國醫藥品市場
    China pharmaceutical market
    Taiwan drug companies
    channel construction
    healthcare system
    National Reimbursement Drug List
    Pharmaceutical Centralized Public Bidding Procurement process
    Medicine pricing policy
    drug patent
    pharmaceutical logistic industry
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-05 14:47:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中國13億人口的內需市場已為各產業的新興目標,尤其是在醫藥產業,中國政府於2009年宣布將投注8,500億人民幣改革中國整體醫藥建設,更為目前身處於台灣飽和市場的本土藥廠的發展契機,加上兩岸近期簽署的兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA),未來兩岸商業互動將更為頻繁。台商藥廠如何在這各界搶占的中國市場占有一席之地?掌握通路即掌握市場。
    在醫療體制部分,中國的醫療市場主要集中在國有醫院(public hospitals),但國有醫院的營銷環境複雜,受到許多來自政策、地方主義、關係資本等因素的影響,使得外來投資企業在經營中國國有醫院市場上,皆需要各方面相當的營銷資源才足以支撐。
    China’s great market demand has become the new target for international enterprises, especially in pharmaceutical industry. China government announced the investment of 850 billion RMB to ameliorate the medical infrastructure in China, which indicates an opportunity for Taiwan pharmaceutical companies. The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) between Taiwan and China will encourage a more enthusiastic interaction across the strait. Channel strategy will be the key to predominate the highly competent China market for Taiwan pharmaceutical companies.
    Analysis on channel construction will be the first step for industrial marketing strategy. The better a company understands the factors influential for channel construction, the better it can get control in the ever-changing market and adjust itself to cope with any alteration in the environment. This thesis will begin with an introduction on the development of pharmaceutical industry in China and thus induce some common issues with which international pharmaceutical companies are confronted in China market. It will analyze the channel construction from three important perspectives, healthcare system, pharmaceutical regulations, and logistics industry.
    Public hospitals play a major role in the healthcare system of China market. The marketing in public hospital involves complicated variables, including policy, local protectionism, and relationship capital. Non-local companies need every considerable resource to manage the marketing in public hospitals.
    In order to reform the healthcare market and lower the medical expense, China government announced several pharmaceutical regulations, including National Reimbursement Drug List (NRDL), Medicine pricing policy, and Pharmaceutical Centralized Public Bidding Procurement process. On one hand, these regulations help to put the market into order; on the other hand, it sets restricts on the retail sales and the channeling flexibility of the pharmaceutical company. Due to the slow development of China patent law in the past, moreover, a lot of American or European pharmaceutical companies could not develop an exclusive market for their drug through patent system. New Provisions for Drug Registration revised and announced by China government in 2007 established an initial connection between legal and administrative system of drug patent protection. Such integrated development will form an environment more suitable for pharmaceutical companies which possess powerful technology and patents, a significant trend for Taiwan companies’ attentions.
    China logistics companies understand local law and regulation and are usually familiar with multi-business strategy. They control most of the retailers and can offer sales agency, logistics, storage, and agency receipt. Logistic industry plays an important role in China pharmaceutical channel and is indispensable to pharmaceutical companies.
    It will be questionable whether Taiwan companies’ old business model can be sufficient for the changing China pharmaceutical market in the future. The newcomers should ponder more on their strategy for the market as well. Taiwan companies need to take the external condition and their own strength into consideration, understanding every factor of China pharmaceutical channel construction. Besides strengthening the original market and channels, Taiwan companies should aggressively enhance the add-value of channel system and find out new profit model. This thesis will focus on and elaborate the three perspectives and analyze the difficulties they bring upon Taiwan pharmaceutical companies, proposing possible solutions and future strategy for those who aim to develop their pharmaceutical business in China.
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    Description: 碩士
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