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    Title: 免憑證代理簽名及其代理盲簽名擴張
    Certificateless proxy signature and its extension to blind signature
    Authors: 陳力瑋
    Contributors: 左瑞麟
    Keywords: 免憑證簽章系統
    Certificateless signature
    Proxy signature
    Blind signature
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 17:06:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在傳統的公開金鑰簽章系統中,用戶的公鑰需要一個可信第三方(Trusted Third Party-TTP)發給憑證來保證其可靠性。其後Shamir提出基於使用者身分的簽名機制(ID-Based Signature) 儘管不需要憑證,但此種系統的概念中,TTP仍然扮演著強大的角色,隨之而來的是金鑰託管(Key Escrow)的問題。而在2003年時提出的免憑證簽章系統Certificateless Signature Scheme(CL-S)概念中,不僅不需要憑證也同時解決了Key Escrow的問題。本篇文章便是基於CL-S的概念下,發展出一套免憑證的可代理簽章系統(CL-Proxy Signature)。並且可利用簡單的方式使我們的系統擴張成為一個支援盲簽名(Blind Signature)的免憑證代理盲簽章系統。
    Traditional public key cryptosystem (PKC) requires a Trusted-Third-Party(TTP) for the management of certificates of users’ public keys. To solve this problem, Shamir introduced the concept of ID based signature scheme. Although the ID based signature scheme doesn`t require the certificate management, TTP still plays an important role here. In addition, ID-based schemes have the key escrow problem. In 2003, a certificateless signature scheme has been introduced. In a certificateless signature scheme, certificates are not required on one hand and can solve the key escrow problem on the other hand. In this paper, based on the concept of certificateless, we introduce a certificateless proxy signature scheme. A remarkable feature of our scheme is that it can be extended into a certificateless proxy blind signature.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097753026
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Computer Science ] Theses

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