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    Title: 科技化互動服務創新議題之研究
    The issues of IT-enabled interactive service innovation
    Authors: 陳惠娟
    Chen, Hui Chuan
    Contributors: 周宣光

    Chou, Shrane Koung
    Tsaih, Rua Huan

    Chen, Hui Chuan
    Keywords: 科技化服務
    IT-enabled Service
    Service Innovation
    Interactive Service
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 16:55:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 摘 要
    本論文在探討組織推動科技化互動服務創新(IT-enabled Interactive Service Innovation)時所面臨的相關議題,並定義科技化互動服務創新係指一項以資訊科技(亦包含通訊及網路)為基礎的互動式服務創新,其發展、建置以及播散的過程。研究目的是為了解科技化互動服務創新如何由最初的提案轉換至最終的企業經營績效,而其轉換過程中有那些可能的挑戰或窒礙。
    本論文採用過程理論並提出一完整的分析架構,藉以闡述科技化互動服務創新於價值實現過程中,所有阻礙其推動或減損其價值的相關挑戰。研究中進行了三個田野個案(Field case)分析及三個圖書館個案(Library case)分析,所涵蓋的創新服務包括互動電視服務、證劵服務與旅遊服務。

    As the economies are becoming increasingly service oriented, firms need to create competitive service advantages to compete in the service arena. Thus, enterprises endeavor to develop innovative services to meet the rapid changing customers’ needs and to create leverage from these innovations. Furthermore, with the significant advances in networks, telecommunications, and computing technologies, people, organizations, systems and heterogeneous information sources now can be linked together more efficiently and cost effectively than ever before (Qiu, 2010). For the service-oriented businesses, a lot of emerging service opportunities, such as e-services, e-commerce, and auctions, are envisioned, and well utilizing IT to provide on-line, real-time interactive services to customers becomes an imperative for company’s survival.
    Therefore, the call for responsive, flexible, agile and on-demand services forces the enterprises deliberating the IT-enabled interactive service innovation (IISI) to enhance their distinctive competency. This research conceptualizes the IT-enabled interactive service innovation as the development, deployment, and diffusion of a new interactive service through information technologies (IT) (including the communication and networking) for the customers. The purpose of this research is to answer the question of how an IISI is transformed from the initial proposal, IT assets, competency, and to the end, the business performance, and what the possible challenges may encounter during the transformation.
    This research adopts process approach and proposes a holistic analytical framework to highlight various challenges that will erode the value realization and even hamper the firms’ evolution.
    Three field cases and three library cases are adopted to show the empirical evidences that support the framework of IISI. The related industries involve interactive television services, securities brokerage services, and traveling services industry.
    The research contributions in this dissertation include; (1) building up an analytical framework to expound the process of value generation in IT-enabled service innovation; (2) to delineate the gapping hole in the value chain of IT-enabled service innovation. The practical contributions involve providing a global picture of the IT-enabled service innovation process, thus, the top management or decision makers can foresee the possible challenges, and take proactive strategies to overcome them lest the values will be eroded.
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