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    Title: 數位學習領域文獻計量與主題分析
    Bibliometric and subject analysis for the E-learning research field
    Authors: 李清福
    Lee, Ching Fu
    Contributors: 陳志銘

    Chen, Chih Ming
    Tseng, Yuen Hsien

    Lee, Ching Fu
    Keywords: 數位學習
    Subject Analysis
    Clustering technology
    bibliographic coupling
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 16:43:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來各國因應數位化的發展,加上資訊技術應用於教與學已經是全球的趨勢,各國紛紛將數位學習的推動列為國家重要政策,對數位學習領域主題研究之發展極為重視。為了幫助研究人員更精確掌握數位學習領域的研究脈動,有必要針對數位學習領域發表之期刊文獻進行全面性的計量以及主題內容分析。
    本研究採廣義數位學習定義之檢索策略,蒐集2000年至2009年間合計2,125篇數位學習領域SSCI期刊文獻,針對這些文獻以自動化內容探勘工具CATAR進行全面性計量分析,再分別以共現字及書目對進行研究主題分析,以藉此歸納數位學習領域的研究主題架構。此外,本研究亦將經由共現字與書目對歸類所獲得之主題架構,與Computers & Education (C&E)專家分類之主題架構進行相互的參照與比對,以歸納出更為完備的數位學習領域研究主題架構。
    With the digital development and the global trend of information technology applying teaching and learning in recent years, every country around the world regards the promotion of e-learning as a very important policy of the country. They lay special emphasis on the development of the subjects of study in e-learning. In order to help the researchers to predominate more precisely about the study of e-learning field, it is necessary for us to carry out the comprehensive calculation and subject context analysis toward the published periodical literature in connection with the e-learning field.
    The present study adopts the search strategy of generalized definition of e-learning and collects 2,125 SSCI periodical literature in total on e-learning field from the years of 2000 till 2009. They are analyzed with automatic context exploration tool CATAR to proceed to the general bibliometric analysis. Then they are analyzed with co-occurrence words and bibliography coupling to proceed to the study subject analysis. Thus it can generalize the frames of study subjects of e-learning field. In addition, the present study will carry on the interactive reference and contrast through the subject frames by the co-occurrence words and bibliography coupling with the subject frames classified by Computers & Education (C & E) experts to figure out more complete frames of study subject in e-learning field.
    The present study can help researchers examine their own field specialty, master the dimensions of the development of study subjects and make reference to the scholars and experts to determine their study subjects. Furthermore, it can help the researchers understand the development status of international e-learning field at present with the most productive author, the most competitive organization, the most influential country, the most adoptive periodical document, the more representative trend of development of study subject and the study development status of e-learning interdisciplinary field overall academic research through literature bibliometric analysis.
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