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    Title: Koha圖書館自動化系統在台灣之應用
    Application for koha integrated library systems in Taiwan
    Authors: 張琇婷
    Chang, Hsiu Ting
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Wang, Mei Ling
    Chang, Hsiu Ting
    Keywords: 圖書館自動化
    Library Automation
    Integrated Library System
    Library Automation System
    Open Source Integrated Library System
    Open Source
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 16:40:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著時代的變遷,圖書館員和使用者對於圖書館自動化系統的功能和現況漸漸產生許多不滿與問題。由於系統的開發過程封閉且原始碼無法取得,使圖書館只能另覓其他的自動化系統產品。開放程式的發展在二十一世紀隨著網際網路的發展受到重視。開放程式的圖書館自動化系統讓使用者除了使用還可以有複製、散佈、研究、改寫、再利用的自由。
    As the wheel of time turns, librarians and users of the integrated library system(ILS) become to be unsatisfied the features of ILS. Because of the developing process is closed and the unavailability of the source code, libraries have to try other ILS products for further development. Open source ILS is one of options, it gives users the freedom to copy, distribute, research, rewrite and reuse.
    The purpose of this research is to study the current developing situation of open source ILS in Taiwan. We use Koha system as research case. By studying related papers, we captured the current situation of ILS, the development of open source, and the application of open source ILS. Using the questionnaires based on technology acceptance model (TAM) and interviews, we enhance our understanding of the current use and question about the Koha system in Taiwan.
    The findings are as follows: 1.Current view of open source ILS in Taiwan: Prof. Mao has been distributing the developing of Koha in traditional Chinese since 2005. Users who used Koha system are mainly libraries in junior-high schools and elementary schools and those who are interested in Koha system. Due to the policy of Ministry of Education, the usage of Koha system in libraries in senior-high schools and elementary schools will be significantly less after 2010. 2. Reasons why libraries use open source ILS were categorized as follows :(1)Libraries was not automated; (2)Libraries were not automated successfully; (3)Libraries adopted Koha from promotion; (4)Libraries had insufficient budget; (5)Libraries had good technical supports; (6)Schools used Koha for education training purpose; (7)Schools were interested in the usage of open source. 3.The reasons of low acceptance of the Koha system: (1)Lack of technical supports; (2)Koha system was hard to use for average users; (3)Ministry of Education command the elementary and secondary schools to adopt new ILS. 4.Factors of the success adoption of the open source ILS: (1)Complete education training for users; (2)Other human resource support; (3)Technical support; (4)Friendly user interface; (5)Ease of use; (6)Positive attitude. 5.Reasons of the failure of library automation system and its difficulties: (1)Lack of training; (2)Lack of human support; (3)Lack of technical supports; (4)Incomplete features; (5)Incomplete system manual; (6)Unfriendly user interface; (7)Higher technology requirement.
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