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Title: | DVD-ROM資料庫之敘事結構、觀點轉換分析:以迷城計劃「Bleeding Through Layers of Los Angeles:1920-1986」作品為例 Structure and P.O.V in DVD-ROM database narratives:analyzing "Bleeding through layers of Los Angeles:1920-1986" |
Authors: | 劉佳惠 Liu,Chia Hui |
Contributors: | 盧非易 劉佳惠 Liu,Chia Hui |
Keywords: | 數位敘事 資料庫敘事 敘事結構 敘事觀點 迷城計畫 digital narrative database narrative narrative structure point of view digital storytelling Labyrinth Project Bleeding Through Layers of Los Angeles:1920-1986 Norman M. Klein |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-04 16:18:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 傳統敘事如小說透過文字表現,如攝影凍結時間以照片表現,如影片透過蒙太奇將事件以時間序列安排,而數位敘事竟能一次包含上述所有文本於一體,其中奧妙的敘事模式究竟為何?本研究的主體-資料庫,作為數位敘事的一種類型,一種文化形式,如何將傳統敘事元素徹底拆解成數碼格式?又這些傳統敘事元素如何轉換、又如何殘存於資料庫敘事中? 藉由文獻分析之過程,探究傳統敘事理論與數位敘事理論之間的可能關係,並透過所選個案文本【Bleeding Through Layers of Los Angeles:1920-1986】,進行「敘事結構」、「敘事觀點轉換」兩大面向之分析,試圖瞭解在數位的浪潮下,人們說故事的方式、故事的樣貌是否有變化的可能性,以提供數位敘事設計者一些理論與實務上的思考。本研究結果歸納如下:1. 開放的敘事結構啟動讀者更多闡釋,2.互為文本的兼蓄性讓敘事有最大程度展示空間,3. 互動敘事達到讀者實質與文本互動。 Fiction performs through text. Photography performs through images. Movie performs with video; with the help of montage, video has meanings. All of them are traditional narratives, and digital narrative contains all of the above. How does digital narrative work these out? This research aims to discuss “the database narratives”. As a type of digital narrative, how does database narrative completely dismantle the traditional narrative elements into a digital format? By analyzing the reference documents, we could find the relation between theories of the traditional narrative and digital narrative. Through the selected piece of work “Bleeding Through Layers of Los Angeles:1920-1986”, this research focuses on "narrative structure," and "point of view," trying to understand the way of storytelling in digital times. This research concludes with the following: 1. Open narrative structure renders a text more interpretations. 2. Inter-textuality enhances the scale of narrative to the most. 3. Interactive narrative enables readers more interactions with the text. |
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