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Title: | 網路社群中的無償虛擬團隊文化與互動型態: 以字幕組為例 Voluntary virtual teams’ interaction styles in online communities :an example of the subtitle teams |
Authors: | 陳竹蕾 Chen, Julie |
Contributors: | 許瓊文 Hsu, Julia 陳竹蕾 Chen, Julie |
Keywords: | 字幕組 虛擬團隊 無償勞動 網路社群 Subtitle Teams online communities. Virtual Teams Voluntary work |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-04 16:16:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 網路社群中的字幕組,是由一群無償勞動的網友們、透過新科技溝通媒介而組織起來的。在本研究中,筆者將字幕組視為一個虛擬團隊,意圖探討無償虛擬團隊的組織文化與互動方式。近年來,國內的虛擬團隊研究觀點,似乎較偏向學校或者企業,所設定的虛擬團隊也清一色是營利組織或者學校體制內的虛擬團隊。然而,字幕組的工作卻是無償無薪,也缺乏外在的企業體制。 無償的虛擬團隊與營利組織裡的虛擬團隊有何差異呢?網路社群中的P2P資源交換特性或者網路社群中的生態,是否也會影響到字幕組這樣的無償虛擬團隊?本研究採取Potter與Balthazard(2002)所整理出之團隊「互動型態」理論、Dani 與Burns等人(2006)的「組織文化類型」理論,試圖找出不同規模與文化情境的字幕組互動型態、組織文化類型。筆者觀察了數個中國與台灣的字幕組,期望找出具集體知識共作、創造特性的虛擬團隊特色。而這些特色,或許能啟發國內其餘具知識分享、文化創造性質的虛擬團隊。 本研究使用參與觀察、親身實作等方法進行,輔以筆者自身的中國字幕組經驗與其他台灣字幕組成員的深度訪談,同步進行書寫。 研究結果顯示,字幕組的組織文化偏向關係親密的「宗族文化」、以及具有創新特質的「鬆散彈性文化」。而針對字幕組的互動型態分析,則集中於「合作型」、「人際型」,同樣都是關係較親近、競爭壓力較少的互動類型。這些特質顯示出,字幕組這樣的無償虛擬團隊,的確在組織文化、互動風格方面,都有著與企業不同的組織屬性。 The Subtitle Teams in online communities are formed by volunteers who communicate by virtual technology. This study views the Subtitle Teams as virtual teams, in order to explore their organizational culture and interaction style. In recent years, most Virtual Teams studies in Taiwan focus on teams in school and businesses industries, however, the Subtitle Teams are volunteers without business structure. What is the difference between commercial virtual teams and voluntary subtitle teams? Do P2P communities influence voluntary subtitle teams like Subtitle Teams? We use Potter & Balthazard (2002)’s Interaction Style theory and Dani & Burn(2006)’s Organization Culture Types to explore the traits of Subtitle Teams. The Subtitle Teams in this study includes culture difference between Taiwan and Chinese, also the difference between Drama Subtitle Teams and Animation Subtitle Teams. The goal of this study is to find out some trait of creative, knowledge-based, and cooperative virtual teams, hope these result will help other virtual teams in NPO organizations or Cultural Industry in Taiwan. This study use participant observation, in-depth interviewing and case study to view the experience of the members from four Subtitle Teams. We found out that the Subtitle Team’s Organization Culture might tend to be The Clan Culture and The Adhocracy Culture. As to the Interaction Style analysis, many subtitle teams tend to be Passive Style and Constructive Style at the same time at the same time. |
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