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    Title: 數位遊戲之行動載具使用者行為與開發分析─以智慧型手機為例
    Mobile device game player behaviors and games development analysis - using smartphone as an example
    Authors: 林姿旻
    Tzu-Min Lin
    Contributors: 陳聖智

    Chen, Sheng Chih
    Kuo, Pei Jeng

    Tzu-Min Lin
    Keywords: 行動遊戲
    mobile game
    motivation theory
    technology acceptance model (TAM)
    subject norm
    social interaction
    perceived playfulness
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 16:10:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 數位遊戲已成為探討現代生活科技中一項重要的領域。智慧型手機,為近兩年興起的行動平台載具,根據資策會資料顯示,在手機進行娛樂活動應用程式的排行,第一為聽音樂,第二即為進行遊戲。觀察智慧型手機上的應用程式市集(如:android market、app store),使用者可以快速方便的利用網路下載遊戲,在眾多遊戲中,使用者選擇何種類型遊戲下載並進行遊戲,對遊戲開發商非常重要。在智慧型手機上結合許多科技技術(如:無線網路、各式感測器......等),皆有可能影響使用者進行遊戲和選擇遊戲的動機。因此,了解並且針對使用者需求與使用者行為設計遊戲,在數位內容領域進行數位遊戲研究與開發是重要的議題。


    Digital games have become an important domain of exploration the technology of modern life. The smartphone which is a mobile device rises due two years. Follow the MIC data of entertainment applications on mobile phone rank, the first is listening music and the second is playing games. User can easy download games quickly by wireless from application market like Android market or app store. It is important for game developers to know which game user chooses and downloads in large games.

    The smartphone combine different technology and sensors that may influence user’s motivations to choose games and play games. Therefore, to understand user’s need and user’s behavior for game design which is important discuss for digital game study and developer of digital content domain.

    To understand the motivations of user playing games on the smartphone, so this study uses technology acceptance model (TAM) to explore intrinsic motivations and extrinsic motivations of playing game. Through questionnaire to find the factors that user plays games on smartphone, and we also collect users’ behavior from smartphone and interview users. The study combines these data to find the model of user playing game on the smartphone, and the relationship between intrinsic motivations and extrinsic motivations.

    The study finds that perceived ease of use and the fun in games effect user’s motivation. The user intention influenced by people who around user and also affected in the game which provide user to interact with others. By the way, user’s extrinsic motivations affect intrinsic motivations on smartphone context, and change the mind of playing games.
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