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    Title: 上課閱讀圖畫故事書對台灣國中生的效益
    Pleasure reading: the effect of reading picture books in class on junior high school students in Taiwan
    Authors: 黃銀梅
    Huang, Yin Mei
    Contributors: 余明忠
    Yu, Ming Chung
    Huang, Yin Mei
    Keywords: 悅讀
    pleasure reading
    reading motivation
    reading ability
    writing ability
    picture books
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 14:56:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 悅讀是指讀者自己挑選有趣的書籍,自發性地廣泛閱讀。本研究是要探討悅讀對國中生的閱讀動機,閱讀能力,和寫作能力的影響。本實驗邀請台北市某所國中61位的八年級生參加,分為實驗組(悅讀組)和對照組(傳統閱讀組)。本實驗共為期23週,在學生的英文閱讀課進行,每週一次,每次45分鐘。實驗期間, 實驗組在上閱讀課時只專心於閱讀自己所選的圖畫故事書,而對照組則繼續原來由老師所主導的傳統閱讀課程。實驗進行前後二組學生都接受全民英檢的閱讀和寫作能力測驗及閱讀動機評量。這些測驗資料由電腦進行量化處理與分析,個別訪談結果則用來輔助說明結果與討論。
    Pleasure reading refers to any reading in which self-motivated readers pick up books they are interested in and engage themselves in those books. Pleasure reading has long been recognized as a powerful tool for fostering reading interest and enhancing literacy development. This study aimed to investigate the impacts of pleasure reading on EFL junior high school students’ reading motivation, reading comprehension, and writing ability. Sixty-one eighth graders in a junior high school in Taipei were divided into the experimental group (pleasure reading group) and the control group (traditional reading group). This program was carried out during the English Reading class, once a week with 45 minutes for each period. During the 23-week reading program, the experimental group only focused on reading self-selected picture books without any instructions while the control group still received the skill-based reading approach. Before and after the program, their reading and writing ability were examined by the reading and writing tests of General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) and their reading motivation was measured by the Motivation for Reading Questionnaire (MRQ). The data collected were analyzed quantitatively and the interview data were utilized to interpret and support the findings.
    The results revealed that the experimental group participants’ overall reading motivation was enhanced significantly after the program. As for the multifaceted motivation, the results showed that the participants’ “reading self-efficacy” and “reading achievement values and goals” were influenced strongly by pleasure reading. Among the 12 reading dimensions, “enjoyment” was the most significant factor. All the findings confirmed the main value of pleasure reading-- reading for enjoyment, and such enjoyment promoted students’ reading motivation very positively. With respect to the participants’ reading and writing ability, the results did not show significant improvement. Pleasure reading did not influence the participants’ language proficiency positively. However, both groups made some progress in the posttest in the gain score. Therefore, pleasure reading appeared to be at least as effective as the traditional reading approach. Pleasure reading was more interesting and enjoyable for junior high students.
    Although the results may not be taken as conclusive because of limited data and small samples, this study still provides some pedagogical implications and suggestions. Pleasure reading can be implemented into school curriculum as a counterpart of regular English class, a kind of skill-based English class. The school’s morning session is a good time for students to read self-chosen materials. Moderate tasks should be set for students with different language levels to conquer. Appropriate reading activities can be integrated to help stimulate students’ reading. To get a clear picture of its effect on junior high level students, it is necessary to conduct the program for a longer duration and with larger samples. Therefore, it is suggested that further study can start with all the seventh graders in junior high schools and the study should last for three years. The entrance exam of senior high school, the Basic Competence Test can be adopted as the measurement of language proficiency. It is expected that junior high students under academic pressure can learn English happily and effectively.
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