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    Title: 教學後單字練習題對臺灣國小學童英語字彙習得的影響:階層式單字練習題與抄寫練習題之比較
    The effects of after-instruction vocabulary exercises on Taiwanese young learners` vocabulary acquisition: hierarchy vocabulary exercises vs. copying exercises
    Authors: 甘秀琪
    Kan, Hsiu Chi
    Contributors: 葉潔宇
    Yeh, Chieh Yue
    Kan, Hsiu Chi
    Keywords: 單字習得
    vocabulary acquisition
    vocabulary exercises
    hierarchy vocabulary exercises
    copying exercises
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 14:55:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 單字練習題常作為英語教師提升第二外語學習者單字學習成效的方式之一,然而針對不同單字練習題的實際成效,其相關研究仍顯不足。因此,本研究採用量化研究方法,以探究階層式單字練習題與抄寫練習題對國小學童英語字彙習得(word gains)與記憶保留(retention)的影響。
    Vocabulary exercises are regarded as one of the ways English teachers frequently utilize to enhance English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ vocabulary learning efficiency. Yet, studies focusing on the comparisons of the effects of different vocabulary exercises on learners’ vocabulary acquisition and retention seem comparatively few. Thus, the present study adopted a quantitative research method to investigate the effects of two types of vocabulary exercises, i.e., hierarchy vocabulary exercises and copying exercises, on learners’ word gains and retention.
    Participants of the study were two classes of 55 fourth-grade students in a public elementary school in northern Taiwan. With the homogeneity of English proficiency on Cambridge Young Learners English Test (CYLET), the two classes were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. During the instructional experiment, the experimental and control groups received hierarchy vocabulary exercises and copying exercises respectively once a week, with a total of six times, to practice a total of 24 target words selected in this study. After receiving the last vocabulary exercises, both groups received post-test 1, based on a Chinese version of Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS), to measure their word gains of all the target words. One month after receiving the last vocabulary exercises, both groups also received post-test 2, which was the same as post-test 1, to assess their word retention. The major findings are summarized as follows. (1) In terms of word gains, learners receiving hierarchy vocabulary exercises significantly outperformed those receiving copying exercises. (2) In terms of word retention, hierarchy vocabulary exercises possessed greater facilitative effects than copying exercises. (3) Hierarchy vocabulary exercises exerted a significant effect on both high and low English achievers’ word gains and retention. (4) Not only high English achievers but also low English achiever reaped benefits from copying exercises on word gains and retention. (5) Hierarchy vocabulary exercises demonstrated superior effectiveness than copying exercises on high English achievers’ word retention, but not on their word gains. (6) Hierarchy vocabulary exercises led to both more word gains and retention than copying exercises for low English achievers. At the end of the thesis, pedagogical implications and recommendations for further research were provided.
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