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    Title: 主題式教學法對台灣國小學生英語口說溝通能力之成效研究
    The effects of theme-based instruction on oral communicative competence of EFL young learners in Taiwan
    Authors: 蕭雅慈
    Contributors: 許炳煌
    Keywords: 主題式口語說教學法
    theme-based oral instruction
    oral communicative competence
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 14:55:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究在探討主題式教學法對台灣國小學生英語口說溝通能力之成效以及此教學法對學生英語學習態度與動機的影響。此研究以來自雲林縣某國小五年級二個班級學生為研究對象,這兩班級隨機指派為實驗組跟對照組。實驗組實施主題式口語教學法而對照組則實施傳統口語教學法,每週均上課一次。經過12週的教學後,兩組皆進行英語口說能力測驗並施以英語學習態度與動機問卷。研究結果顯示學生受過主題式教學法學習後在口說溝通能力有顯著進步,而且其英語學習態度與動機也有正向的改變。希望本研究結果能為英語老師在教學實務上提供助益。
    The present study mainly aimed at investigating the effects of theme-based oral instruction (TBOI) on elementary school students’ oral communicative competence. Meanwhile, this paper also aimed at examining learners’ perceptions of the use of TBOI, and the changes of learners’ attitudes and motivation towards English learning after the implementation of TBOI.
    Two fifth-grade classes in a public elementary school in Yunlin County were randomly assigned to be the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group received TBOI, while the control group took the traditional oral instruction once a week. After the 12-week treatment, an English oral proficiency test and an English learning attitudes and motivation questionnaire were administered to examine learners’ oral communicative competence and their learning attitudes and motivation respectively.
    The findings showed that TBOI had helped learners gain significant progress on oral communicative competence, and that the learning attitudes and motivation towards English learning had changed positively after the treatment of TBOI. Hopefully, the findings of the study may provide English teachers with some useful pedagogical implications.
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