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    Title: 企業管理碩士班學術英文課程與教學個案研究:以台灣某科技大學為例
    A case study on EAP curriculum and instruction in graduate business administration programs in Taiwan
    Authors: 林美瑩
    Lin, Mei Ying
    Contributors: 楊懿麗

    Yang, I Li
    Joe, Shih Guey

    Lin, Mei Ying
    Keywords: 學術英文
    curriculum design
    business English
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 14:49:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 英語在貿易、科技等領域為當今國際交流的主要語言,更是學術界之主要溝通媒介,在台灣高等教育亦是如此。本研究旨在探討企業管理碩士班學術英文課程規劃之現況,以台灣某科技大學之企業管理所及國際企業管理所為對象,採問卷、課室觀察、訪談之研究方式,從教師及學生的觀點深入評析97、98學年度兩所的學術英文課程規劃、實施現況、學生的學術英文需求、及學生自評之學術英文能力。從兩所學生回收的有效問卷共98份,篩選後的學生訪談者共14位。兩位授課教師的訪談則分別於97、98學年度各進行一次。問卷結果採描述性統計加以敘述分析,課室觀察及訪談結果則以持續比較法(constant comparison method)進行分析。研究結果顯示兩所之課程規劃均注重培養教師及學生的學術英文能力;雖教師方面含海外師訓、定期教學研討會,然全英授課課程之師資來源為一困難。學生方面則從招生至畢業規定,均將促進語文能力納入整體課程規劃中。教師在教學、教材選擇、評量方面均致力培養學生的學術英文能力。學生的學術英文需求特別注重術語、讀、口語溝通、上台報告之能力,然本土文化之知識極待加強。學生普遍自評學術英文能力普通或不佳。本研究結果為商管學術英文課程規劃者及研究者提供了一個全面性的參考資料。
    English is the main lingua franca for international communication in fields such as business and technology; it is also the major medium in teaching and learning. This phenomenon has a significant impact on higher education in Taiwan. This study aimed to probe into the status quo of EAP (English for Academic Purposes) curriculum design in graduate business administration programs. An MBA and an IMBA program at a national university of science and technology in Taiwan was targeted. Questionnaires, classroom observation, and semi-structured interviews were adopted as research instruments. Teachers’ and students’ perspectives of the curriculum design, implementation, students’ EAP needs, and students’ self-evaluated EAP abilities in the academic years of 2008 and 2009 were investigated. A total of 98 valid questionnaires were collected, and 14 student interviewees were selected. Two teachers were first interviewed in the academic year of 2008, and again in 2009, respectively. The analysis of questionnaires was conducted through descriptive statistics, while the qualitative data was analyzed by constant comparison method. Results of this study indicated that the two programs included nurturing teachers’ and students’ EAP abilities in the curriculum design. For teachers, overseas teacher training and regular teaching seminars were provided. However, finding teachers to teach English-medium courses presented a difficulty. Developing students’ language abilities was included in the overall curriculum design, from admission to graduation regulations. Teachers were committed to cultivating students’ EAP abilities in instructional practices, material selection, and evaluation. The EAP needs of terminology, reading, oral communication, and presentation abilities were particularly valued. Nonetheless, students’ knowledge of local culture needed to be strengthened. Students generally rated their EAP abilities average or below average. In sum, this study may be of importance in improving EAP curriculum design in graduate business programs in future.
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