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    Title: 從科技契合歷程探討電子化政府發展的轉型:以台灣跨機關整合服務為例
    The transformation of e-government development: insights from the technology alignment process-case studies of integrated public services in Taiwan
    Authors: 程麗弘
    Cheng, Li hung
    Contributors: 溫肇東
    Wen, Chao tung
    Cheng, Li hung
    Keywords: 電子化政府
    inter-organizational relationship
    technology alignment
    value of public service
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 11:56:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 政府組織導入資訊科技後,帶來進步與改變的契機。過去研究從發展階段論探討此議題,多預設科技會依獨立自主的邏輯發展而對社會造成衝擊,因此主要的管理工作是協助社會大眾適應不可逆轉的科技發展。然而,這些學理上的臆測,在田野真實性是愈往發展後期愈下降,造成理論與實務的脫節。本研究從科技與社會研究(Science, Technology and Society, STS)學術脈絡下手,從實務觀察中,致力於挖掘科技和社會間雙向互動、相互形塑的關係;並主張以契合式纏繞(aligned-entanglement) 觀點,探討科技與政府組織相互形塑呈現出轉型的動態歷程。
    本研究援引交引纏繞式(entanglement model)互動的模型,加上科技契合(technology alignment)觀點,應用於電子化政府整合型服務之研究,以解釋為何纏繞產生非預期結果,以致走向轉型。因為資訊科技特性需連結兩個以上組織才可讓資訊跨組織流通,所以科技與組織互動的轉型態樣有別於以往單一組織與科技互動的態樣。本研究在分析架構上的貢獻有三:1. 提出以科技契合的交引纏繞歷程觀點探討轉型,修正及補強以交引纏繞歷程觀點來分析轉型,2.開發出探討跨組織科技契合的分析構面,抽離出田野背後的運作邏輯, 3.重新詮釋公共服務的創新擴散,將以往僅探討科技創新與採用的關係,再行深入,把科技設計者從科技創新分離出,成為探討科技設計者、科技創新以及採用的關係, 由此進一步剖析當科技展演無效而發生轉型現象的論述。
    The implementation of information technology by government entities brings opportunities for progress and change. The conventional wisdom of technology determinism considers the development of e-government as irreversible and the key objective is to assimilate the users to adopt the technology. However, these theoretical speculations tend to lose their explanation power during the later stages of e-government deployment. In other words, there is a mismatch between theory and practice.
    This study argues that the adoption of technology in governmental organizations is a result of interactions amongst factors such as strategic alignment, IT alignment, IT-structural and process alignment, business alignment, and service alignment. This study illustrates the dynamic entangled process in offering integrated services for e-government and describes the trajectories of this transformation. The aligned-entanglement perspective is then used to provide a better explanation than the punctuated-equilibrium and situated change perspectives.
    Three main contributions are made by this thesis. First, it proposes a new model to explore governmental organizational transformation. Second, it develops an analytical framework and makes explicit the operation logics of field practice. Thirdly, it re-interprets the diffusion of innovation in public services by incorporating technology designers, the technology itself, and the adopters as distinct actors in the transformation process.
    Qualitative case study method is used to analyze the implementation of two integrated public e-services in Taiwan: “Agriculture and Food Traceability System” and “G2G2B Electronic Document Exchange System”. The field studies show how the social/technical collective becomes stabilized overtime or how displacement occurs. This paper finds four patterns of displacement: misuse of technology through lack of understanding, the inappropriation of technology, the inapplicability of technology resulting in non-usage, and resistance or adaptation depending on suitability to the adopter’s tasks at hand. The common theme of these patterns is that, while minor misalignment can be fine-tuned in the beginning, these misalignments tend to accumulate through out the execution phases resulting in ineffective performance outcomes. Furthermore, the choices of technology designers to remedy these issues shed light on issues influencing the outcome; namely, misunderstanding of “technology spirit”, designers’ lack of sensitivity to environment change, the poor fit of technology features given its contemporary government context, and lack of understanding on the essence of services.
    This study proposes aligned-entanglement perspective and enriches the understanding of transformation in e-government development. This study suggests that, upon ineffective performances in technology, one should make leeway in the calibration of the deployment. By assessing the appropriateness of the initial goals in addition to reviewing progress milestones achievement, the social/technical collective is less likely to go down the wrong path in this (transformation) process.
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    Description: 博士
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